TCGC Election Integrity: Adherence to Texas Constitution & Transparency in Sequential Ballot Numbering for DRE Electronic Voting Systems
This letter campaign has been completed
Please do not contact officials on this matter at this time. This is here for archive purposes to let you know how we are working for you.
July 17, 2017
The Honorable Ken Paxton
Attorney General for the State of Texas
Dear General Paxton:
Thank you for prioritizing election integrity in the Texas Attorney General’s Office. With recent news reports about voter fraud and multiple ongoing investigations by your office, it gets clearer every day how important honest elections are in Texas and how much work there is to do to secure ballot integrity.
Your commitment to Texans was made crystal clear when you stated in a recent Dallas press conference, “Nothing is more sacred to our democracy than the integrity of our voting process,” and that your office would, “do everything within our resources and abilities to solidify trust in every election here and around the state.” All of Texas is grateful for your dedication to honest elections.
We therefore ask you to turn your attention to improving the security of computerized voting conducted with…
For Liberty – for Texas,