Business Disaster Preparedness & Recovery

Business Disaster Preparedness & Recovery

Emergency Preparedness Part 2:

Business Disaster Preparedness & Recovery

Larry Korkmas

We recommend adding today’s information to the notebook you started with David Eishen’s Posse+Plus Disaster Preparedness documents, which can be found here.

All emergency preparedness PDF documents hosted on the Grassroots America website are offered to help you prepare your family and community to survive a “The End of the World as We Know It” scenario.  Familiarize yourself with our website. Go to Click on the Citizen Engagement tab and scroll down the page to find the disaster preparedness links, which you can easily share with others.

Download/print the documents you need.  Don’t wait! Communication disruptions can remove your ability to access disaster preparedness documents.  This is also true of your important personal, business, and financial documents currently residing on any electronic device or in the cloud.

About the Author of Today’s Recommended Plan

Larry Korkmas is a successful real estate broker, arbitrator, and mediator.  He is a 2019 Grassroots America Champion of Freedom.

Larry is a lifelong authentic fiscal and social conservative.  This strong patriot was President of Texans for Immigration Reduction and Enforcement, Inc. (TFIRE) for many years and is a charter leader in the statewide Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition – the premier signature project of Grassroots America.

Mr. Korkmas has served as one of our most proficient subject matter experts on the disastrous impact of illegal immigration, election integrity/ballot security reform, parliamentary rules/procedures, and the UN/World Economic Forum global scheme.

While a resident of Harris County, Larry and his team were regularly active in Harris County as conservative watchdogs to the extremely liberal Harris County Commissioners Court.  Larry frequently testified before the Commissioners Court, leading fellow Harris County residents to promote limited government and safeguard freedom.

If you spend five minutes talking to Larry Korkmas, you will know that he loves God, liberty and this nation.  At a time when Larry could be retired and spending his time on leisure, he remains committed to fighting for future generations. We need more like him!


Please reach out to Larry at with any questions about the disaster preparedness and recovery document found at the link below.


Emergency Preparedness | Posse+Plus

Emergency Preparedness | Posse+Plus

Emergency Preparedness | Posse+Plus

David Eishen

With the daily headlines full of crime, social unrest, and economic crisis, the demand for information on how to prepare your family for natural or man-made disasters and supply chain disruptions is at an all-time high.

To help you understand and prepare, we offer the following information from Wood County resident and disaster preparedness specialist David Eishen. 

David recommends that you start a notebook by downloading and printing the documents you need.  Communication disruptions of any kind may remove your ability to access the ones he has provided and any of your important documents currently residing on any electronic device or in the cloud.  

Pray for the best. Prepare for the worst. Take personal responsibility for your loved ones and be ready to help neighbors.

Whether you’re worried about the power going out for a week (or more), natural disasters, or long term economic and societal decline, it’s critical that you start getting prepared now. If you wait until you need it, it’s already too late.

The mission of the Posse+Plus program began as a way to train every willing individual in Wood County to prepare for survival during and rebuilding after a TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know It) scenario.

The Posse+Plus program accepts the reality that federal and state resources are limited and cannot be depended on for survival, medical care, or the security of the people during and after a TEOTWAWKI scenario. People will have to depend on themselves, their families and friends, and the other good people of their county.  

Volunteers with the Posse+Plus program strive to lessen the impact of a TEOTWAWKI scenario on the people. Without proper training and preparation, experts say up to 90% of the population could be dead within the first year of the most serious TEOTWAWKI scenarios.

The PDF documents hosted on the Grassroots America website at the links below are being offered by the POSSE+PLUS team to help anyone who is interested in preparing their community to survive a TEOTWAWKI scenario.

Please reach out to David at with any questions or if you are interested in forming a Posse+Plus group in your county.