Influential Grassroots Coalition Calls on Governor, Lt. Governor & House Speaker to Rein in Spending!

Feb 2, 2017

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Texas Legislative Alert
Early Warning from the Texas Grassroots on Spending!

Both the 2016-17 and 2018-19 Texas budgets are in danger of exceeding the limits of the Conservative Texas Budget.

Grassroots America is part of a very active coalition of influential budget hawks from across the state. They’ve united to call out the spending and the ridiculous talk of raiding the Rainy Day Fund by some of the House budget writers. See the Coalition’s letter, which was delivered to Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and House Speaker Joe Straus on Wed., Feb. 1. 

Throughout the session, we’ll keep you posted on key legislation and the budget process going in Austin. Because of what we do, what happens in Austin, no longer stays in Austin!

Grassroots America is watching when you can’t!
We put in long, long days researching, talking to legislators,
and writing briefing papers on conservative reforms
for a wide range of issues.

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