The premier project of Grassroots America – We the People PAC.
Paid for by Grassroots America – We the People PAC.
We believe that Americans – especially Texans – must stop letting personal politics and party allegiances blind them to government misconduct and power grabs; therefore, this Coalition puts conservative, limited government principles first – not politicians, personalities, or political party. We will support the Republican Party of Texas Platform as long as it is a constitutionally conservative platform on social, cultural, and fiscal issues.
We strongly support the values and principles expressed in the
2020 Republican Party of Texas Platform.
We seek to uphold those values and principles
in order to anchor the Republican Party to its principled roots!
This statewide Coalition has been wildly successful, growing 890% since we began Coalition activities in 2015. We hold meaningful, highly educational, activism-rich quarterly statewide Coalition Summits to address priority public policy/legislative issues and to provide training on a wide array of leadership skill sets. 2021 will be a year of added growth through purposeful Senate District Coalition building.
Our partners continue to operate as independent groups, but when necessary, act as a strong, cohesive Coalition, united around first liberty principles. This is not a substitute for any local group’s work, nor intended to replace local efforts. It most certainly is not designed to be a “shadow party” or the launch of a 3rd party. We are active conservatives. Period.
Partners include local Tea party/conservative groups, statewide conservative groups, SRECs, GOP county chairs, GOP precinct chairs, GOP club leaders, and professional associations (such as the Texas Association of Physicians & Surgeons) who agree on a particular issue.
This Coalition is about helping even the smallest conservative local group become successful and make their voices heard. We add value to groups that do not have the resources to take on big projects alone.
Our mission is to build an enduring Texas conservative grassroots movement in every Senate District (this will cover TX and US House Districts).
We will build a conservative grassroots movement
wide enough and deep enough to
cultivate and mentor new leaders,
raising up quality candidates to advance liberty
and effectively fight the Marxist Left
and the unprincipled Surrender Wing of the Republican Party
who now seek to erase President Donald J. Trump
and his significant America First Policies.
Together, we can save Texas!
We are raising a higher standard for both elected officials and for Texas grassroots activists. It is about framing the debate and being on offense, rather than playing defense and being reactionary.
We will pass good conservative reform bills and kill bad bills despite any future rogue Texas House Speaker and the entrenched Austin Cartel of special interests. We know there will always be a liberal, big government Republican in power somewhere. That is the nature of unprincipled men and women. They are found in both parties.
Grassroots training will be important. Long term, we will prevail by working smarter and upholding principles over political expediency.
The Coalition will not vet nor endorse candidates. That is the responsibility of local groups.
There are no Coalition membership dues to participate; our data base will never be shared or sold!
Participation does not require allegiance to every issue. The Coalition “body” is fluid because it is based on issues. If a partner agrees with a stated position, they sign on to the Coalition statement or letter. If they do not agree, they simply do not sign without fear of being “voted off the island.” Individuals signing on for a Group/Organization do so with that Group’s/Organization’s agreement and approval – implied or explicit.
Coalition letters and statements are based on sourced facts and first principles. If a Coalition project inflames the media, local/Austin/DC Cartels, the establishment GOP, an elected official, or the Left, there will be NO retreat; therefore, Coalition partners should not ask for one. Partners assume personal responsibility when they sign on.
This Coalition is not in competition with any other group. It is a unique effort with a heart to serve and to build a stronger, more principled conservative Texas grassroots movement that will keep Texas free and prosperous with opportunities for all and favoritism for none.
JoAnn Fleming
Executive Director, Grassroots America – We the People PAC