Texas House Republican leadership is a disgraceful mess.
It has all the honor, dignity, and decorum of a junior high cafeteria or a frat house.
The liquor bar just off the House floor needs to go.
Public intoxication and substance abuse on the House floor is unacceptable.
Debauchery and open corruption should not be winked at or tolerated.
Texas House Republicans should have a higher standard.
They can change House rules, but they have to WANT to clean it up!
Demand a higher standard from your State Representative as they launch their 2024 campaigns. When your incumbent shows up for an event, ask them what they specifically intend to do to stop the low standards in the Texas House. March 2024 Primary challengers should make this a campaign issue.
Call to Action:
Dade Phelan Resign!

The following project is the initiative of Mark Montgomery and the Bulverde Spring Branch Conservative Republican PAC. We also thank SREC SD 25 Chris Byrd for his assistance.
Grassroots America is happy to assist them in getting this project out across Texas because we appreciate their initiative and agree with their reasoning.
In fact, we agree so much that our Board of Directors unanimously cast a vote of “No Confidence” in Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.
Welcome to Preserving & Advancing Patriot Conservatism!
A majority of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee voted 14-6 to censure Dade Phelan on July 13. Orange County is the largest county in Phelan’s district.
Are you tired of Dade blatantly disregarding the platform of the Republican Party of Texas, ignoring most conservative legislative priorities, and the will of the voters? Tired of him allowing the Democrats to run the Texas House? Tired of him killing good bills with Dem committee chairs and Dem points of order? Do you approve of his “under the influence” performance from the Speaker dais or his approved banana republic-style process for impeachment of Paxton?
If you are “fed up,” make your voice heard by joining this letter campaign “Resign Dade Phelan!” Thousands of grassroots conservatives – Republican Primary voters – should tell him they are fed up with his embarrassing performance and roadblocking of conservative bills.
The letters will be hand delivered to Dade Phelan. Copies of the Phelan letter will be provided to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s office and to each State Representative to inform them of our grievances and our actions.
Join this statewide letter campaign
AND the Republican Party of Texas
in condemning the actions of Speaker Phelan!
Texas deserves better than Dade Phelan.
1. Click the link below to print the letter that will be hand delivered to Phelan.
2. Fill in ALL blanks at the bottom. Incomplete letters will not be used.
3. Sign only in BLUE ink. Signatures in other colors disqualify the letter.
4. Make this a project! Print letters and collect signatures in blue ink!
5. Mail your completed letters to the address below by Friday, August 11!
Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206
Austin, Texas 78768-2206
Scan your completed letter and email to bsbcr2023@protonmail.com;
Take a CLEAR picture of your completed letter; text it to 866-989-3089.
Help this effort by sharing these instructions with friends and family,
but use only the special forward button at the top right beneath our logo.
Click on the box below for the letter to download and print.
The Bulverde Spring Branch Conservative Republicans
ask that you do not alter the body of the letter in any way.
Got questions or comments?
Contact Mark Montgomery mark@txjag.com