Coalition United in Strong Opposition to SB 11, HB 18, HB 19 Ask Abbott to Veto

May 31, 2019

This letter campaign has been completed

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Coalition United in Strong
Opposition to SB 11, HB 18, HB 19
say, “Governor Abbott, veto these bills!”


153 opinion leaders, representing 130 unique organizations,
groups, and districts across Texas stood against invasive,
parental rights-destroying, due process-threatening,
mental health bills.  They are still fighting!

Re: Request for Veto of SB 11, HB18, HB19

Dear Governor Abbott,

We are a coalition of groups and individuals, some partisan and non-partisan, who have come together in opposition to Senate Bill 11 and House Bills 18 and 19.

We greatly appreciate your efforts to make schools safer. Regrettably, we cannot support these bills. SB 11 contained several features that directly addressed school safety. However, it also had provisions of concern. While some groups attempted to get these concerns addressed, the bill was only made worse.

We believe that the use of a psychiatric consortium that has inherent connections to the pharmaceutical industry simply puts Texas children at risk of dangerous psychotropic drugging and policies that lead to same.

As Attorney General you sued numerous drug companies over illegal marketing schemes…

Download and read the rest of our letter here. Be sure to note the organizations who joined our Coalition letter asking for a veto – Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, The Rutherford Institute, National Eagle Forum, Citizens Commission on Human Rights and scores of influential Texas opinion leaders.

Please support our efforts by calling Governor Abbott’s office and asking him to veto SB 11, HB 18 and HB 19. Regular office: 512-463-2000 or 512-463-1782 after hours. Tweet Gov. Abbott @GregAbbott_TX and @GovAbbott

Message on Facebook @TexansForAbbott

Click here to see record votes on these bills & find out who were bill sponsors, co-sponsors, authors and co-authors.

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