Texas Grassroots Leaders Call for Free Market – Direct Sales

Mar 30, 2017

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March 30, 2017

The Honorable Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott
The Honorable Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick
The Honorable Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, Joe Straus

RE: Support House Bill 4236 and Senate Bill 2093

Dear Governor Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Patrick, and Speaker Straus:

As proud Texans, we are writing you today to ask that you join us in championing the free market and supporting true competition in the automobile industry for the benefit of Texans. As it states in the Republican Party of Texas platform: “We support allowing consumers in Texas to be able to purchase cars directly from manufactures.” This language, supported by nearly 90 percent of GOP delegates at the 2016 State Convention, unambiguously reflects the strong support Direct Sales
has from Texans across our great state.

Accordingly, we proudly support House Bill 4236 by Representative Isaac and Senate Bill 2093 by Senator Hall, which allow manufacturers of vehicles of any weight, class, size or shape to sell directly to Texas consumers.

During the last century, legislation was passed in Texas giving franchised auto dealers a legal monopoly on new car sales…

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