Grassroots America Opposes 2019 County Tax Increase & Hoarding Cash

Executive Director JoAnn Fleming said of the proposed tax increase, “Most elected officials begin budget planning with the tax rate from the previous year. In most cases, this ‘lowballs’ the tax rate increase. We do not start our assessment with the current tax rate because increased property values automatically yield more revenue to local government if the prior year’s tax rate is maintained. Any increase in revenue from property taxes is a tax increase – even if the tax rate does not change.

Keeping an Eye on Local Officials: DA’s Office – What Nobody Else Will Tell You

What Grassroots America Has Asked the Smith County Commissioners Court to Do and Why It Should Matter to You – March 28, 2018

Do you get sick of national news reports about rogue federal government employees who do what they want, when they want, and there’s never a consequence for bad behavior even when they lie to Congress? Okay, we are sick of it too. That’s why when bad behavior crops up at the local level, we have to speak out. Let’s face it, if Grassroots America doesn’t, who will?