Hot Update: Protect Kids | Tyler Library Smut
Thank you to all the volunteers who attended the October 18th library board meeting – the last one of this year! There were about 50 people in attendance and as usual we were the overwhelming majority.
Sadly, we now know the library board has gone from bad to worse. They unanimously made the horrible decision to KEEP the book called “People Kill People” in the 14+ section. In case you’ve forgotten, here is the link to excerpts from it Dirty Book #5 People Kill People.
Anyone who would like to send a professionally-worded email to the city manager about this book is welcome to do so by emailing Ed Broussard at ebroussard@tylertexas.com.
The next board meeting will likely be in mid- to late-January. We will keep up the pressure by submitting book reconsiderations until we get more results. Stay tuned for more information.
THANKS SO MUCH for your ‘Never Say Die’ persistence!
Citizens Speak Out in Letters to the Editor
If you are a subscriber to the Tyler Morning Telegraph, you should have noticed articles and letters to the editor about the Tyler Library controversy. Informed citizens sent in great letters that countered misinformation about “book banning,” which is an intellectually lazy buzzword coined by the Left and used by officials who should know better. Moving books OUT of a section of the library used by minor-aged children is NOT book banning!
How many times must we repeat this fact: Under the law, children cannot give consent to sexual activity! Sexual activity with a minor-aged child is rape. It therefore follows that minor children cannot give consent to having their minds and emotions raped by sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar books. What about this concept is too hard for Tyler City officials to grasp?
Inspired? Send your own letter
(limited to 250 words) to the editor:
santana@mrobertsmedia.com and to
We have compiled and posted resources for you!
So far, our elected officials have managed to evade direct contact with actual constituents – the voters and taxpayers who have every interest and right to speak out about library standards. This is especially true when it comes to sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar books that are accessible to minor children.
We are hearing from Tyler residents that city council members are turning down the opportunity to attend coffees and meetings in neighborhoods if the subject matter is going to be “the library.” We find that appalling. Don’t you?
Isn’t it interesting how friendly these people are when they are campaigning and looking for endorsements? EVASION is NOT a good look for an elected official!
The mayor and council members have refused to even put this topic on a City Council Agenda to discuss! That means they have NEVER legally discussed the issue; therefore, the matter remains unresolved!
Let’s give them another chance! Interested in inviting your Mayor and Tyler City Council member to an informal meeting in your district?
Click here to see how to organize your own informal “meet and greet” with your city councilman and/or the mayor.
Click here to see which Tyler City Council district you live in! Learn if your council member is up for re-election!
Click here to read WHY we keep saying that our requests are reasonable. Hint: Texas law backs us up!
Click here for our library project talking points and objectives! All concerned citizens can use these in letters to the editor, in posts to social media, in conversations with neighbors, family and friends, and at a neighborhood coffee with your city council member and/or the mayor. Share them!
At the end of this exercise, we will either learn that our elected officials are interested in hearing what we have to say, interested in managing city business lawfully, OR we’ll learn that they are still hiding from their responsibilities and ducking their oath of office!
Let’s have an honest conversation about this!
Your Library Project Team Leaders:
Dee Chambless
Christine Bentley
Tom Fabry
Toni Fabry