Citizen Engagement

Smith County/Tyler Area Government Issues

Unaffordable | Do Something 

Unaffordable | Do Something 

2024 Local Gov't Budget Recommendations | Right-size Gov't  Local gov'ts have started devising budgets for the upcoming fiscal year, which starts in the fall. Can you afford their plans?Inflation:Grocery Store, Gas Pump, Insurance, Utilities… Does Your Local Gov’t...

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Hot Update: Protect Kids | Tyler Library Smut

Hot Update: Protect Kids | Tyler Library Smut

Thank you to all the volunteers who attended the October 18th library board meeting – the last one of this year!  There were about 50 people in attendance and as usual we were the overwhelming majority. Sadly, we now know the library board has gone from bad to worse....

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Our War Against Porn to Kids | Tyler Public Library

When they won't listen, we go to war! Follow our local campaign to save kids from public library smut. Learn what to do!  Can we all agree that our children don't need access to pornographic and sexually explicit books in our public libraries?  I'm glad you agree....

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