Growing the Texas Grassroots Conservative Coalition Army

The Austin Swamp-draining conservative grassroots army we are building is growing! We also have Coalition projects aimed at the DC Swamp.  Since January, we have launched 29 Coalition projects that have drawn both state and national attention. Our support is in demand at the Capitol during the Special Session, which began yesterday.
We are working will fellow coalition-builders Teresa Beckmeyer (Lone Star Voice), Dale and Mary Huls (Clear Lake TEA Party), Toni and Tom Fabry (Frisco TEA Party) and Ray Myers (Kaufman County TEA Party) to hold quarterly Grassroots Leadership Summits that encourage unity around conservative principles and team-building among like-minded activist leaders.  The following information about Grassroots America’s statewide coalition-building project will help you understand HOW and WHY this is working! 

The Coalition is about conservative, limited government principles – not personalities. It is about supporting the Texas GOP Platform as long as it is a constitutionally conservative platform.

This Coalition has been wildly successful at the Capitol, and the Coalition has grown 78% since we began activities in January. We will continue to hold quarterly Coalition meetings that are meaningful.

Partners continue to operate as independent groups, but when necessary, act as a strong coalition, united around first principles. This is not a substitute for any local group’s work, nor is it intended to replace local efforts.

Partners include local TEA party/conservative groups, statewide conservative groups, SRECs, GOP county chairs, GOP precinct chairs, GOP club leaders, and professional associations (such as the Texas  Association of Physicians & Surgeons) who agree on a particular issue.

It’s about helping even the smallest conservative local group be successful and make their voices heard.

It’s about adding value to groups that don’t have the resources to take on big projects.

It’s about building an enduring Texas conservative grassroots movement in every Senate District (which also covers the State House Districts).

It’s about raising a higher standard for both elected officials and for Texas grassroots activists.

It is about framing the debate and being on offense, rather than playing defense and being reactionary.

It is about passing good conservative reform bills and killing bad bills in spite of a rogue Speaker and the Austin Cartel, because there will always be a liberal, big government Republican in power somewhere. That is the nature of unprincipled men and women.

Grassroots training will be important. Long term, we will prevail by working smarter and upholding principles over political expediency.

The Coalition will not vet candidates. That is the responsibility of local groups.

The Coalition will not endorse candidates because we are not a PAC.

There are no Coalition membership dues or fundraising. Our database will not be shared or sold.

Participation does not require a groups allegiance to every issue.

The Coalition is fluid because it is based on issues. If your group agrees with a stated position, they sign on. If your group doesn’t agree, don’t sign. Individuals signing on for a Group/Organization do so with that Group’s/Organization’s agreement and approval – implied or explicit.

When a coalition partner signs on to a letter or statement, they do so knowing full well that the author of the letter or statement will NOT equivocate or back down should the heat get too hot for any coalition partner.

Letters and statements will be based on sourced facts and first principles. If the Coalition project inflames the media, local/Austin/DC Cartels, the establishment GOP, an elected official, the Left, or the Tooth Fairy, there will be NO retreat, so Coalition partners should not ask for one. Partners assume personal responsibility when they sign on. 
This Coalition is not in competition with anybody. It is a unique effort with a heart to serve and to build a stronger, more principled Texas grassroots movement that will keep Texas free.

If the leaders of your TEA party, GOP Club, your SREC, your GOP County Chairman, your GOP Precinct Chair, or other constitutional conservative group leaders are not a part of the Coalition, have your leadership contact us at

JoAnn Fleming, Teresa Beckmeyer, Toni & Tom Fabry, Mary & Dale Huls, Bill Hussey, Ray Myers
This Needs To Be Said To Whinny Elected’s

This Needs To Be Said To Whinny Elected’s

Necessary – even in July!

Friendly Advice for Elected Officials and Staff

 We don’t go looking for a fight, but if you bring one, like all good Texans, we’ll rise to the occasion to remind you about values, conservative principles, and your job description. If you want to avoid a messy “clean up on aisle 9” that you most certainly will not enjoy, these are key points to remember…

  1. Know your purpose and stay in your lane. Be sure your staff understands this, along with the next ten items.
  2. Respect is a two way street.
  3. Remember that you were hired at the ballot box to do a job defined by statute & oath. Do it.
  4. Remember that we do not work for you; therefore, we will not ask your permission to speak out on issues.
  5. Remember that we do not work for you; therefore, we will not allow you to define our role as activists, set our priorities, or tell us when we can and cannot interact with your office.
  6. Remember the times you’ve needed us to have your back when you were unfairly attacked? BEFORE you get all whiny because we ask a question you don’t like, you might want to take a walk, have an ice cream cone, or take a deep breath, ‘cause you really don’t want to go there!
  7. Be thankful that some of us have enough mercy to ignore unbecoming and childish behavior the first time, but don’t count on not being publicly called out if you keep it up (and that goes for the silly social media stunts you think we don’t see).
  8. Remember your Oath of Office. Some of us expect you to keep it and hold true to it in every way. That means following and upholding the rule of law – all of it, all of the time.
  9. We don’t post or traffic in rumors about officials, but your voting record, your public comments, and how you conduct yourself is your job performance record, which makes it our business. 
  10. Just as is the case with any employee, you will be rated on what you do, as well as what you do not do. Failure to do your job, pass the buck, point fingers at others, and constantly make excuses is cause for non-support or opposition.
  11. An endorsement from us is not a life-long commitment on our part. From the day you take office, you are being evaluated. It is an entirely reasonable expectation that you will keep your promises and pledges, and that you will hold true to the values and principles you extolled when you were a candidate. Veer from that at your own peril.

Thank you for serving in public office. For those who really try to do it right, it is a very tough job. We get that. So, make sure you and your staff don’t make your job harder than it already is. If you stay in your lane, keep your promises, work hard, respect the folks, and do what is right, we’ll have your back!


JoAnn Fleming
Executive Director
Grassroots America – We the People PAC
(903) 360-2858 cell

“When I’m out of politics I’m going to run a business, it’ll be called rent-a-spine.”
― the late, great British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher