Texas Legislature

2023-24 | 88th Texas Legislative Session

Will the 88th Texas Legislature  be a success or failure for conservative values across this great state? How will Republican members of the Texas House and Senate perform? How will we measure this?


2023-24 RPT Legislative Priorities

The delegates involved in formulating these priorities represent grassroots Republicans from 31 State Senate Districts.  The delegates are chosen by Republican grassroots activists at the precinct and county level to ensure it is a bottom-up process designed to make certain that local values are represented. Authorship, sponsorship, and decisive action to pass strong bills (not weak, toothless, “show bills”) to accomplish these priorities are the MINIMUM standard. Only results matter.  

These priorities are the measuring stick.

JoAnn’s Take | Schaefer Retirement

JoAnn’s Take | Schaefer Retirement

Be anxious for nothing; in all things by prayer & supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil. 4:6 I dare not ignore this teachable moment for my Christian brothers and sisters, my fellow patriots. My prayer is that it helps you...

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Action | Tell Dade Phelan to Resign

Action | Tell Dade Phelan to Resign

Texas House Republican leadership is a disgraceful mess. It has all the honor, dignity, and decorum of a junior high cafeteria or a frat house. The liquor bar just off the House floor needs to go. Public intoxication and substance abuse on the House floor is...

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Paxton Impeachment Call to Action

Paxton Impeachment Call to Action

This is a call-to-action regarding the Texas Senate Jury trial of Ken Paxton, impeached by the Texas House on May 27, 2023. BackgroundThe Texas Senate will hold the impeachment trial against Attorney General Ken Paxton no later than Aug. 28 and will require...

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