Texas Legislature
2023-24 RPT Legislative Priorities
The delegates involved in formulating these priorities represent grassroots Republicans from 31 State Senate Districts. The delegates are chosen by Republican grassroots activists at the precinct and county level to ensure it is a bottom-up process designed to make certain that local values are represented. Authorship, sponsorship, and decisive action to pass strong bills (not weak, toothless, “show bills”) to accomplish these priorities are the MINIMUM standard. Only results matter.
These priorities are the measuring stick.
2023 Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Handbook
Do you need help getting started using Texas Legislature Online (TLO)? Are you having trouble setting up your own My TLO account to track Bills during the 88th #TXLEGE? Are you just looking for a good overview of the features available to you on TLO? If you answered...
Grassroots America re-releases 88th TxLege Priorities
January 9, 2023 For Immediate Release Grassroots America - We the People PAC releases it's 88th Texas Legislative Priorities. Legislative action or inaction on these priorities will be taken into account when incumbents seek endorsements in future primary elections....
20 Years of Republican Tri-fecta Control & Squandered Opportunities in Texas
Act Fast Now | Punish Dems with Rule Changes
It’s Time for Republican State Reps to Remember Who They Work For – It Sure as Heck isn’t Donkey State Reps! Are you ready to take action to...
Talking Points – Oppose Big Nanny State SB 10
A very bad bill will be on the Texas Senate floor later today! You MUST ACT. NOW! Downward pressure on your State Senators from statewide...
Don’t be fooled by the Fake Toll Road Reform Bill – Kill HB 1951
Freedom Caucus Member Matt Krause Files Big Road Lobby Bill Undercuts Governor Abbott & Defies TX GOP Platform His FAKE "Toll Payer Protection...
Legislative Priorities for the 140-Day Siege…
Fellow Grassroots Texans: Texas-style liberty cannot survive if its leaders are driven by pragmatism, which divorced from principles, drives one’s...
Governor Abbott’s Firearm Safety Plan will Gut Self-Defense Castle Law
Fellow Patriots, We've spoken with several conservative legislators the last couple of days. We are incensed that NONE of the independent gun...