Beyond the Speaker’s Race 

Beyond the Speaker’s Race 

Folks ask what we think about the TX Speaker’s race. We’re focused on solutions, not on somebody’s laser pointer. We aren’t cats!

Open letter to Republican Texas State Representatives,

The people of Texas need you to step up with wisdom, courage, and purpose to solve long-running problems that remain unsolved after more than two decades of effort under Republican trifecta control of state government.

It will take maturity to put personal preferences and hurt feelings aside to reach unity on an issue-by-issue basis. We are all for “party unity,” but unity without principled accountability is like putting water in a bucket riddled with holes.  For the good of Texas, we ask you to work together to plug those accountability holes.

Texans need you to enter the 89th Legislative Session prepared – ready to work with your constituents and the Republicans in the Senate to solve problems – not carry on a spitting contest with the Lt. Governor, but the reverse is also true!  A new Speaker would certainly help mend fences.

FACT: The Texas House needs a new Speaker for reasons we have discussed ad nauseum.

STUBBORN FACT: The math regarding the partisan make-up of the Texas House makes electing a new Speaker particularly challenging. Democrat Representatives, plus a few tone-deaf, “soon to retire” Republican State Reps. can put Phelan back in the Speaker’s chair.

FACT: Trust in every facet of government is at an all-time low. That means you have a lot to prove.

FACT:  More Republican priority bills were killed by Republican Committee Chairs than by Democrat Committee Chairs. (We have the receipts.) But, opposing Democrat Committee Chairs is EXPECTED of you!

Want to make an enormous difference that will make us all cheer you on? Figure out HOW you can move priority legislation if a Big Gov’t Republican Committee Chair tries to block bills in committee!  Figure out HOW you can deliver results even if you don’t get the Speaker you want!

We urge all Republican State Representatives to unite around solutions that are in the best interest of the people of Texas.  We DO NOT urge a rushed process, but a deliberative one, based on a principled strategy to bring measurable results for Texans.

So, when it’s time to show up to discuss how to reach a solution, if you don’t show up, please know folks will read that as “the status quo is fine with me” or may read your refusal to show up as a sign that you are not interested in discussing solutions, but instead prefer waiting to see which way the political winds are blowing. We do not recommend either look for you.

We urge you to first pray together and then talk to each other face-to-face, not through social media and not through political grifters who profit from keeping all the problems alive.

Plan to tackle the 13 ballot propositions Republican voters overwhelmingly supported on the March Primary ballot. Do so early in the session with strong, enforceable bills (not watered-down, last minute show bills).  Tackle lasting property tax reduction with the goal of eliminating property taxes through reduction in spending – not new revenue streams from legalizing family-destroying gambling and marijuana.  Plan to protect children and families from the ideological agenda of the rabid Left and from government overreach.  Plan to protect Texas citizens from tyranny in all its evil forms. Plan for Liberty. Plan to win! 

Godspeed.  Let us know how we can best help you!

The Five Things I Learned in Writing Grassroots Priorities

The Five Things I Learned in Writing Grassroots Priorities

The Five Things I Learned in Writing Grassroots Priorities

By Brett Rogers | April 3, 2024 is the website I built with the guidance and support of JoAnn Fleming and Robert Shulter. It was a monumental task that took the better part of three months (March to May 2023). It endeavored to bring to life and connect the dots given to us by the Texas Legisature Online.

Thankfully, it was well-received and very much used. Thousands and thousands of times you queried the website to learn about votes, legislators and committee testimony. I’m glad it helped.

We also saw the use of our map, your capture of the way we color code votes to make it easier to see, and your use of a legislator’s Quick Summary. A picture can truly be worth a thousand words.

But I learned some things in building the website, and I thought I would share that with you.

1. “Big Government” is Much Bigger than We Thought.

There’s a great meme that starts out asking “Should the government…” and then immediately moves to a big “NO!”

It’s funny and gets shared because it’s true. It might be that we say we want the government to do far less, but the sad truth is that there are 11,807 bills on the website. Government isn’t doing less; it’s doing more, and often without our knowledge.

A few Republican legislators brag that they have the “most bills authored” or the “most bills passed!” Unless those bills have the word “repeal” in them, we should never be impressed by anyone who wants to pass more bills. That’s just more government, which means more meddling in your life, which means more taxes you have to pay. I fail to see how that’s a good thing.

And almost all of the bills should just have a heart emoji stuck to them. Because “the legislator cares, don’t you know?” or because we should “do something about this.” Except that the government almost always screws it up and its solutions cost twice as much as they would have otherwise.

When the government spends money on a “solution,” you’re the source of revenue to pay for that solution. Always remember that.

2. Lobbyists and Legislators Like that the Grassroots Fight the Culture War.

One of the epiphanies I had was when I looked at what bills brought the top 50 paid lobbyists with five or more clients before committees. Not one of them was a GOP priority bill. They were generally what I call money bills or permission bills.

A money bill is where a corporation or a municipality tries to access “state funds” (aka your taxpayer money) for their pet project.

A permission bill is where they want to expand the law to allow them to do something they legally couldn’t do
before. They want their hurdles removed or their jurisdiction broadened.

For the last several legislative sessions, the conservative grassroots have focused on bills that apply to the culture war or to ensuring that government adheres to the rule of law.

The lobbyists, I think, love that we fight in a different arena than they do. They get away with a lot of money movement and permission that works for ambitions of their clients. Meanwhile, we fight to keep porn out of schools and make sure that we don’t surgically remove the genitals of children. It’s important and good that we do, don’t get me wrong, but the less we see where the lobbyists spend their time, the better for the lobbyists – who also give a lot of money to powerful people throughout government.

Fifty thousand dollars in donations to help the legislature greenlight a two-million-dollar project is a great return for the money spent.

When the government spends, the government taxes you to pay for the spending. We need to watch this activity in our government like we watch the GOP Priority bills that focus on rule of law and culture. (Hint: With GrassrootsPriorities 2.0, we’re about to help you do just that!)

3. Republicans Who Disagree More with Other Republicans Than They Do Democrats are No Republicans.

If I stand in a room with nine other people and there are no labels, the people with whom I disagree most are not on the same side as me.

That seems kind of obvious to say, doesn’t it?

But if I stand in a room with nine other people and half are labeled “Republican” and half are labeled “Democrat,” and if a couple of the people with whom I disagree most are labeled “Republican,” some Republicans don’t like that I say there are Republicans who are not on the same side as me.

To them I ask, on what issue do you join with the Democrats more than you join with the Republicans? Because that’s what disagreement with other Republicans means – you’re siding with the Democrats.

When working to figure out how to explain this, I realized that we all feel betrayed when Chief Justice John Roberts sides with the liberals on the Supreme Court. I’ve never met a Republican who said, “Thank goodness John Roberts sided with Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.” Have you? Then why should any Republican think it’s a good idea to join with Democrats in our legislature?

Some might be tempted to say that some elected Republicans have to be flexible because of the liberals in their district. If that were true, then how can we explain West Texas representatives Ken King, Dustin Burrows, Stan Lambert, and Drew Darby? Each of them strongly disagrees with other Republicans before they ever disagree with Democrats. And it’s not just West Texas – but let’s just stop saying something that isn’t true. It’s not because of the strong liberals in their district who need representation. It’s because these representatives agree with Democrats on too many things.

4. Republican Representatives are Smart Enough to Vote for GOP Priority Bills that Make It to the Floor.

Many of you queried to see how a Republican legislator voted on our priority bills. Here’s the short answer: Yes, maybe they did.

But here’s the back story: there were 216 priority bills. Only 13 passed. Election integrity, border security, banning Democrat chairs… these got no real traction during regular session.

Most priority bills die before they get to the floor for a vote. Granted, some are companion bills, meaning that they have the same language or try to do the same thing. But look at this screenshot for election integrity bills:

Notice a pattern? This is from the House Elections Committee chaired by a Republican – Reggie Smith, who was just defeated by Shelley Luther.

Republican State Rep. Todd Hunter has the dubious distinction of being the only Republican to vote against any Priority Bill in its final passage, and that was HB 1243 – the bill that made voter fraud a felony again!

It’s not about whether our Republicans vote for the bill if it makes it to a floor vote; it’s about how hard they fight to make sure it gets to a floor vote.

5. How Some State Reps. Game the System to Make Themselves Look Better.

Some representatives got busted during the session doing things to make themselves look more conservative…such as signing up to coauthor long-dead bills. Or registering a “No” on Local and Consent bills to increase their rank on the Rice University survey. Or using Statements of Vote to obfuscate how they really feel about a bill. Let’s discuss each one.

First, “coauthor” is a misnomer. It makes it sound as though a representative sat with the author and, together, they struggled through the language of the bill to get it right. That’s not it at all. Being a coauthor is a high five. A thumbs up. You, from your kitchen table at home who agree with a bill, do as much “authoring” on the bill as a coauthor does. If it were better labeled, it would be “supporter,” and not “coauthor.”

When a bill dies in committee in April, what’s the point of becoming a “supporter” in late May? There is no point, except to be able to tell your constituents that you “coauthored” a bill. Do you see how that is disingenuous? And yet, many do it. We will continue to point that out.

Second, Local and Consent bills are going to pass. That’s why they are in Local and Consent. These bills are passed in groups, omnibus-style, and they should only be included if they need no debate whatsoever.

Bills get into the Local and Consent committee because the House Speaker puts them there. When the vote happens, you vote for all of the bills in a single vote, but you’re allowed to register an objection, a “No,” if you would not have voted for a bill in the bundle had it been all by itself.

The Rice University survey at first used these “No” objections when ranking the representatives. The more a representative voted “No,” the higher they would appear in the rankings. So, Jared Patterson registered a “No” 769 times. Primary defeated Kronda Thimesch registered a “No” 558 times. As a result, each bragged about their initial placement in the survey.

Then Rice University redid their rankings, disregarding the Local and Consent objections, and Jared Patterson fell from 1st to 15th. Kronda Thimesch fell 33 places. Mitch Little just defeated her!

If they’re actually against the majority of the bills placed into Local and Consent by the Speaker who put these bills there to pass, why be so enthusiastic about the Speaker who places bad bills into Local and Consent for passage? According to the two of them, well over five hundred deserved debate and not passage. And yet, Patterson and Thimesch have remained very supportive of the Speaker.

Perhaps they didn’t really disagree at all, really. Perhaps it was just for show.

Third, a Statement of Vote is a way to put into the House Journal after a vote, “Oops – I voted the wrong way.” It doesn’t change the vote. It’s kind of a mulligan and is sometimes used to placate a constituent who is disappointed in the representative’s vote.

Being a representative is complicated, no question. It’s very demanding. But what’s not demanding is pushing the “Aye” or “Nay” buttons.

Democrats, on average, use a Statement of Vote 20 times during session.

Republicans, on average, use a Statement of Vote 40 times during session.

Are Republicans far less capable of accurately pushing buttons than Democrats? And why do some representatives, like Jeff Leach, have over 200 Statements of Vote?

Sometimes, a legislator who steps away from the desk has their desk mate vote for them and the desk mate doesn’t vote correctly. It’s probably a good idea to ensure that you either give your desk mate explicit instructions, or simply don’t vote. Having too many Statements of Vote is a bad look.

All of these things are hinky. We don’t need hinky in our legislature.

I’ve been asked what the future is for You should know that it will continue, whether I’m here or not. It belongs to Grassroots America – We the People. They have the database and the code and all of the algorithms that populated it. It will be a permanent part of the political landscape in Texas as long as Grassroots America exists.

We’re looking to expand it. Transparency is essential to governing government. The intent of the founders was never to limit the people, but to limit government. It’s time to start limiting government again.

If you have ideas and recommendations, please send them to me (email address below). Part of the reason that you have the “no cost to you” legislative transparency tool that you have today is because of your input as it was being built.

Grassroots America means what it says when it says, “We the People.” The mission remains to Unite, Educate, and Empower, and we built for exactly that reason.

See you in the trenches for Liberty,
Brett Rogers

Texas 2023 Constitutional Amendments Voter Guide

Texas 2023 Constitutional Amendments Voter Guide

These Amendments = the Legislature’s “Get out of Jail Free” card. They’re asking you to “bust” their spending limits for them!

Voters, beware! You are being used to grow government! Here’s how:

The Texas Legislature wanted to spend more money than allowed by the Texas Constitution. They were constitutionally constrained from spending all the money by the Tax Spending Limit in the Texas Constitution, which limits spending growth of “state tax revenues not dedicated by this constitution” to no more than the growth of the state economy.

So, instead of doing it themselves, they are asking voters to change the state constitution, using you – the voter – to “bust” the state spending limits with the Constitutional Amendments on the November 7, 2023, ballot. They KNOW turnout for these amendment elections is very low and that most of the amendments pass!

If Texas voters fall for it, their approval gives the Texas Legislature the authority to permanently grow state government. If these amendments pass, it will increase spending by at least $13.8 Billion over the next two years.

How Does This Happen with a Republican-controlled Texas House and Senate?

Conservative spending hawk and subject matter expert on economic, regulatory, energy, and fiscal policy, Bill Peacock explains, “ The limits of the Tax Spending Limit can be exceeded if “approved by a record vote of a majority of the members of each house.” But voting to exceed the spending cap meant Texas politicians would be faced with another constraint – angry Texas voters who might object to their increasing spending by $56.5 billion while only putting $12.7 billion into property tax relief.”

Meanwhile, conservative economist and Texas budget specialist Vance Ginn says that these spending propositions “will grow government with new funds dedicated outside of the spending limit without legitimate roles for government, and prop 4 would narrow the school property tax base by raising the homestead exemption, thereby necessitating higher tax rates – making it more costly for Texans and making it more complicated and longer to eliminate those taxes.”

You can fight back! You can say “NO” to growing state government.

Statement on Slaton

Statement on Slaton

May 8, 2023

For Immediate Release

With deep disappointment and great sadness, the Board of Directors of Grassroots America – We the People PAC, after having read the published May 6th report of the Texas House General Investigating Committee into the matter of State Representative Bryan L. Slaton, calls on Representative Slaton to immediately resign.  

The report detailing sworn statements by direct witnesses, actions of obstruction, an utter lack of exculpatory evidence provided by Mr. Slaton or his attorney, and no evidence of remorse, leaves us no other choice than to conclude that Mr. Slaton knowingly violated his oath of office, House rules, and labor laws. Evidence also strongly suggests that Slaton committed offenses under Texas law by providing alcohol to minors, by abusing his office, and by committing acts of official oppression.

A 45-year-old married man with children sexually pursuing a 19-year-old woman in his employ, while knowingly plying her and another underage woman with alcohol is predatory, irresponsible, and disgraceful.

Our hearts are broken for our dear friends – Mr. Slaton’s sweet, devoted parents – for his wife, children, the constituents and supporters who placed their faith and trust in Mr. Slaton, and his victim and her family.  We pray that Mr. Slaton heeds the multiple calls for his resignation, sparing the Texas House from spending time on his expulsion rather than the legislative work for the people of Texas. He should apologize and commence the road to true repentance before God – a painful but sure path that leads to forgiveness and healing.

JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director

MaryAnne Aiken

Sue Evenwel

Toni Fabry

Craig Licciardi

Joshua Machiavello

James Speiran

P.O. Box 130012 ¨ Tyler, TX 75713 ¨ (903) 360-2858 ¨ Paid for by Grassroots America – We the People PAC™
2023 Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Handbook

2023 Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Handbook

Do you need help getting started using Texas Legislature Online (TLO)? Are you having trouble setting up your own My TLO account to track Bills during the 88th #TXLEGE? Are you just looking for a good overview of the features available to you on TLO?

If you answered YES to any or all three of these questions, check out our 2023 Texas Legislature Online Handbook in an easy to use flipbook format. You can use this resource online, print a hard copy or even print to Pdf.