This is a site for Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition leaders to offer resolutions for consideration by others. If you do not like a resolution, don’t use it! You are free to take an example resolution and rewrite it to suit yourself.

  • I will NOT pass judgement on the resolutions as long as they do NOT violate the 2022 RPT Platform Preamble principles and values! See here.
  • I will not referee a debate among any parties. You do not need me for that!
  • I will not correct misspellings and grammatical errors pointed out by others. I am not the Texas English Professor. You are all adults.

Do not send any resolutions that seek to legitimize illegal border crossers, gambling, marijuana, or hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Do not send resolutions that undermine the sanctity of human life or God’s definition of marriage and the family.

If you want to push anything that directly opposes the values expressed in God’s Word or the Republican Party of Texas Preamble and Principles, you will need to do that elsewhere.  You are free to “go for it” anywhere else – just not here.

Jennifer Lundy | Texans for Judicial Accountability Resolution

Court Reform Resolution

Texas Gun Owners of America Resolutions

Available on their website here

Cindy Asmussen Resolution

RPT Resolution for NO Gambling in Texas

Brett Rogers Resolution

Transparency Resolution 2024 RPT