Have YOU been persuaded by propaganda?

Have YOU been persuaded by propaganda?

Have YOU been persuaded by propaganda?

This is an important question now that 2022 is officially 1984.

People trust consensus. People love unity.

Many will doubt a calculator if enough people disagree.

What do you believe and why?

Proposed Resolutions for 2022 RPT Platform

Proposed Resolutions for 2022 RPT Platform

Dear Texas Conservatives:

Your last chance to vote was today, but your work is not done.

Stop the effort to purge grassroots conservatives from the Republican Party of Texas convention process! Show up with conservative friends and participate! 

What you need to know:

Precinct Conventions:  Some Republican County organizations hold voting precinct conventions at 7 PM as soon as the polls close.  Some hold precinct conventions a different day.  Find out about your county…

When and Where: Your 2022 Precinct Convention will be held sometime after the polls close on Primary Election Day (March 1, 2022) and before the start of the County/Senate District Conventions (March 26, 2022). Some precinct conventions happen right after the polls close at your polling location; others happen days later at another location. All precinct conventions in your county should be held on the same day. The precinct convention notice should be posted at your polling location, but please check with your local Republican County Chair for the most up-to-date information on where your precinct convention will be held.  Click this link to find contact information for your Republican Party County Chair.

For Grassroots America’s home base county –
Smith County – our Precinct Conventions
will be held Saturday March 5, 2022 at 10:00 AM.

Click here – find your precinct convention location.

Why attend your precinct convention? You can help build a conservative Republican Party of Texas Platform up from the grassroots level!

Warning:  Democrats who voted in the Republican Party Primary can attend GOP precinct conventions and work to pass liberal Democrat resolutions.  If conservatives don’t show up, while Democrats and Rinocrats do, guess what happens? 

How you can be a delegate
to your precinct, county and state
Republican Conventions:
Click here for a handy one-page guide.

Conservative Republican Platform Resolutions
submitted by our
Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition Leaders

The Republican Party of Texas rules require you to submit THREE COPIES of each resolution at your precinct convention. Bring your conservative friends (who voted in the Republican Primary) with you to your voting precinct convention to help get your resolutions approved!  These will then go to your Senate District or County Convention for consideration.  If approved at the Senate District/County Convention level, they will go on to the State Republican Platform Committee for consideration.

You may download and print these resolutions or use as a guide to write your own:

Texas Eagle Forum Resolutions

Preserving the existing platform on transportation and toll roads

What’s in your current party platform?

Opposing the Imposition of Climate or Social Justice Policies that Restrict Transportation

Opposing the federal mileage tax

Resolution in Support of a Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying

Resolution in Support of a “No-Growth” Budget

Resolution in Support of Eliminating the Property Tax

Republican Party Conflict of Interest

Texas Border Security

One Texas Electric Grid

Resolution to Hold Abortionists Accountable

Resolution to Make Repealing the Anti-Life 10-Day Rule a Legislative Priority

Resolution to Build a Pro-Life Texas After Roe

Resolution Calling for Ban on Mandatory COVID Vaccination(s)

Ban on Mandatory COVID Vaccination(s) & Face Masks

Resolution Calling for the Bringing of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 in Compliance with the Texas Constitution

Resolution to Amend the Texas Constitution to allow the Legislature to call for a Special Legislative Session

Resolution to allow the Senate District to be included in the selection of the SREC member to fill a mid-term vacancy

Require Public Education on the Humanity of the Preborn Child

Resolution to Repeal Kinsey Based Laws

Resolution Opposing Gambling in Texas

Resolution Opposing President Biden’s “American the Beautiful” known as 30 x 30 Program

Resolution for Parents’ Right to Know and Consent

Resolution Calling for Honest Elections

Border Security Resolution

Election Integrity Resolution

Electro-Magnetic Pulse Protection Resolution

Patients Freedom in Healthcare Resolution

Patient’s Bill of Rights Resolution

A special “thank you” to all who submitted resolutions in the midst of a busy Primary Election Season.  These are by no means all the resolutions Grassroots America supports, but these are the ones sent to us by our deadline.   We will send more resolutions before Friday as late ones come in.  Please note:  We cannot possibly fill hundreds of requests to write resolutions for your precinct convention.  Please take the initiative and write your own!  

Let’s show the DC insiders and the Austin Cartel meddling in the Texas Republican Party that conservatives aren’t going anywhere!  Keep the Republican Party of Texas Platform conservative!

When conservatives unite around liberty principles – Freedom Wins!

JoAnn Fleming
Executive Director
Grassroots America – We the People PAC

March 1, 2022 Republican Primary | Endorsements Updated 

Thanks for asking, but we just cannot possibly interview all Republican candidates appearing on ballots in all 254 counties.

We are swamped with questions about candidates and cannot possibly send a personalized reply back to each person.

We will be posting even more videos and updates on candidates soon.    Yes, we are not pushing early voting this time for a very good reason.  Early voting tally tapes are not required to be printed by the Secretary of State at the end of early voting and before early voting equipment is moved.  We are NOT suggesting the results should be printed and made public, (which would be illegal) but rather the tallies “memorialized” for use in verifying early voting results. If your county has a paper ballot backup system for early voting, that is better, but for counties without paper ballot backups for early voting, verifying election results for early voting is a problem.  Election Day voting is recommended. That is our opinion based on much study and input from subject matter experts.  If you disagree, that is your business.