The Speaker’s Race Is NOT Over!

The Speaker’s Race Is NOT Over!

Dustin Burrows has declared victory by courting Democrats,
but David Cook won “by the rules,” earning the Republican Caucus
Nomination.  Cook has most Republican State Reps. with him! 
A minority of Texas House Republicans supporting Burrows have a decision to make on behalf of their constituents who just voted for the Trump agenda in a landslide election:
Will they side with renegade
Republican Dustin Burrows,
who is romancing Democrat votes
to ascend to the power of
Texas House Speaker?

Or will they side with Texas voters, the MAGA movement, Donald Trump, and millions of Texas Republicans who have had enough of sharing power with Leftist anti-America Democrats?

Elephants have a long memory, and while it may not seem like this choice for Democrat-leaning Burrows will be noticed by a majority of Texas voters in 2026, too many House Republicans mistakenly thought that same thing about the failed attempt to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. History proves Republican voters very much remembered that betrayal!

In fact, well over a dozen House Republicans were replaced in this past Primary Election cycle. The voters of Texas are tired of being ignored and told that they “just don’t understand.” It turns out that it was those defeated State Reps. who didn’t understand. The voters voted for those State Rep. candidates who vowed reform in the Texas House.

The Representatives who side with reform and stand with the Republican- nominated choice for Speaker of the House, David Cook, are being cheered and applauded by voters in their districts.

Between now and January, we’d like to see more State Reps. listen to their voters and side with Republicans – not the Democrats

The failed agenda of the Democrats
flopped in epic fashion in November!

Republicans who make the mistake of siding with or enabling the Democrat Left’s failed agenda will pay a heavy price.
It’s much better if the entire Republican House Caucus
moves toward unity based on shared values
and helping Texas lead the way in supporting
President Trump’s America First Agenda.

It’s what Texans voted for in November!

We urge the following State Representatives to reflect upon what is at stake and side with the majority of House Republicans. Join with your fellow Republicans and officially support David Cook for Texas House Speaker.

Keith Bell (HD 4)
Greg Bonnen (HD 24)
Brad Buckley (HD 54)
Dustin Burrows (HD 83) Speaker candidate who failed to earn the Republican nomination.
Angie Button (HD 112)
Gio Capriglione (HD 98)
Drew Darby (HD 72)
Jay Dean (HD 7)
Gary Gates (HD 28)
Stan Gerdes (HD 17)
Charlie Geren (HD 99)
Ryan Guillen (HD 31)
Sam Harless (HD 126)
Cody Harris (HD 8)
Cole Hefner (HD 5)
Lacey Hull (HD 138)
Todd Hunter (HD 32)
Ken King (HD 88)
Stan Kitzman (HD 85)
Stan Lambert (HD 71)
Brooks Landgraf (HD 81)
Jeff Leach (HD 67)
John McQueeney (HD 97)
Will Metcalf (HD 16)
Morgan Meyer (HD 108)
Angelia Orr (HD 13)
Jared Patterson (HD 106)
Dade Phelan (HD 21)
Carl Tepper (HD 84)
Gary VanDeaver (HD 1)
Denise Villalobos (HD 34)
Terry Wilson (HD 20)


If your State Representative is on the list above, they are on the wrong side of this issue!

Click here to find contact information and status of the Speaker’s race with Pro-Reformers (56) and Anti-Reformers (32 including Burrows) for a total of 88 Republican State Reps. [There are 62 Democrats.]

Today, please contact your State Representative using the information found here. Ask your Rep. to side with Texas voters, the MAGA movement, President Donald Trump, and millions of Texas Republicans who have had enough of sharing power with Leftist anti-America Democrats!

Beyond the Speaker’s Race 

Beyond the Speaker’s Race 

Folks ask what we think about the TX Speaker’s race. We’re focused on solutions, not on somebody’s laser pointer. We aren’t cats!

Open letter to Republican Texas State Representatives,

The people of Texas need you to step up with wisdom, courage, and purpose to solve long-running problems that remain unsolved after more than two decades of effort under Republican trifecta control of state government.

It will take maturity to put personal preferences and hurt feelings aside to reach unity on an issue-by-issue basis. We are all for “party unity,” but unity without principled accountability is like putting water in a bucket riddled with holes.  For the good of Texas, we ask you to work together to plug those accountability holes.

Texans need you to enter the 89th Legislative Session prepared – ready to work with your constituents and the Republicans in the Senate to solve problems – not carry on a spitting contest with the Lt. Governor, but the reverse is also true!  A new Speaker would certainly help mend fences.

FACT: The Texas House needs a new Speaker for reasons we have discussed ad nauseum.

STUBBORN FACT: The math regarding the partisan make-up of the Texas House makes electing a new Speaker particularly challenging. Democrat Representatives, plus a few tone-deaf, “soon to retire” Republican State Reps. can put Phelan back in the Speaker’s chair.

FACT: Trust in every facet of government is at an all-time low. That means you have a lot to prove.

FACT:  More Republican priority bills were killed by Republican Committee Chairs than by Democrat Committee Chairs. (We have the receipts.) But, opposing Democrat Committee Chairs is EXPECTED of you!

Want to make an enormous difference that will make us all cheer you on? Figure out HOW you can move priority legislation if a Big Gov’t Republican Committee Chair tries to block bills in committee!  Figure out HOW you can deliver results even if you don’t get the Speaker you want!

We urge all Republican State Representatives to unite around solutions that are in the best interest of the people of Texas.  We DO NOT urge a rushed process, but a deliberative one, based on a principled strategy to bring measurable results for Texans.

So, when it’s time to show up to discuss how to reach a solution, if you don’t show up, please know folks will read that as “the status quo is fine with me” or may read your refusal to show up as a sign that you are not interested in discussing solutions, but instead prefer waiting to see which way the political winds are blowing. We do not recommend either look for you.

We urge you to first pray together and then talk to each other face-to-face, not through social media and not through political grifters who profit from keeping all the problems alive.

Plan to tackle the 13 ballot propositions Republican voters overwhelmingly supported on the March Primary ballot. Do so early in the session with strong, enforceable bills (not watered-down, last minute show bills).  Tackle lasting property tax reduction with the goal of eliminating property taxes through reduction in spending – not new revenue streams from legalizing family-destroying gambling and marijuana.  Plan to protect children and families from the ideological agenda of the rabid Left and from government overreach.  Plan to protect Texas citizens from tyranny in all its evil forms. Plan for Liberty. Plan to win! 

Godspeed.  Let us know how we can best help you!

After Impeachment FACTS  

After Impeachment FACTS  

Not only did TX House GOP leadership break the law during impeachment, but here’s PROOF they’re handing TX to the Donkeys!

Do you know Red Team Professional Cheerleaders
who REFUSE to believe Texas
is turning OR even can turn
from a
RED Conservative state to
Purple Moderate Hades
and finally,
to a
Blue Socialist Texa-fornia?

For anybody who cares to look at the FACTS, we have the proof right here in our latest video and graphic from our Legislative Transparency Tool.

After the shameful, lawbreaking, constitutional rights-trashing Paxton impeachment, it should be as plain as the nose on Dade Phelan’s face that we have a bunch of donkey-drag TransPublicans (party-confused elephants) selling out Texas!

Just watch this and share it.

Here is a list of the 24 Republican State Reps. who disagree more with other Republicans than they disagree with Democrats:
Rep. Allison, Steve (R – HD 121) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Bailes, Ernest (R – HD 18) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Burns, DeWayne (R – HD 58) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Burrows, Dustin (R – HD 83) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Button, Angie (R – HD 112) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Darby, Drew (R – HD 72) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Frazier, Frederick (R – HD 61) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Geren, Charlie (R – HD 99) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Guillen, Ryan (R – HD 31) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Harless, Sam (R – HD 126) Impeachment Vote: N
Rep. Hunter, Todd (R – HD 32) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Jetton, Jacey (R – HD 26) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Kacal, Kyle (R – HD 12) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. King, Ken (R – HD 88) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Kuempel, John (R – HD 44) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lambert, Stan (R – HD 71) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lopez, Janie (R – HD 37) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lozano, J.M. (R – HD 43) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lujan, John (R – HD 118) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Meyer, Morgan (R – HD 108) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Morrison, Geanie (R – HD 30) Impeachment Vote: N
Rep. Raney, John (R – HD 14) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Shine, Hugh (R – HD 55) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. VanDeaver, Gary (R – HD 1) Impeachment Vote: Y

Truth matters when you stand on it and use it!

TURF Releases Transportation/Toll Legislative Report Card

TURF Releases Transportation/Toll Legislative Report Card

Now that you know how taxpayers fared in the 88th legislative session on transportation/toll issues, see how your state lawmakers voted specifically by viewing our Report Card from the 88th regular session. Time to fire some state lawmakers!

 There were 27 bills used to determine the grades of the 88th Legislature. Not all legislators voted on all 27 bills. Some were strictly committee votes, others were a vote by the full House or full Senate, but might not have made it to a floor vote in the opposite chamber.

Every lawmaker was notified prior to each vote of TURF’s opposition and/or support of these bills and why.


70% of legislature earned an F

16% earned an A or B


35% of House Republicans earned an F

78% of House Republicans got a D or F

13% of House Republicans earned an A or B

Top scoring House Republicans were: Briscoe Cain, Terri Leo-Wilson, Matt Schaefer, Shelby Slawson, & Valoree Swanson

All but ONE Democrat earned an F (Rep. Christian Manuel of HD-22 was the lone D) 


85% of Senate Republicans earned an A or B

Top Republican Senators were: Paul Bettencourt, Bob Hall, Bryan Hughes, Lois Kolkhorst, Mayes Middleton, Charles Schwertner, & Kevin Sparks

Three Republican Senators earned C’s

Lowest scoring Republican Senators were: Donna Campbell, Tan Parker, & Robert Nichols

100% of Senate Democrats earned an F


Time to hold our elected officials ACCOUNTABLE!

JoAnn’s Take | Schaefer Retirement

JoAnn’s Take | Schaefer Retirement

Be anxious for nothing; in all things by prayer & supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil. 4:6

I dare not ignore this teachable moment for my Christian brothers and sisters, my fellow patriots. My prayer is that it helps you prepare for very tough sledding ahead.  You must be able to keep your wits about you!

Predictable as the sun coming up tomorrow, a fair amount of hysteria has been driven into my inbox and phone the last few days by Rep. Matt Schaefer’s announcement that he will not seek re-election to the Texas House.

Yes, I was aware of Matt’s decision. 

No, I was not blind-sided.  Matt told me his news some time ago in confidence, which dictated that I WAIT until he was ready to make his announcement.

Ya’ll should know by now that I do not tell everything that I know as soon as I know it. That is called discretion. 

Matt knows what he is doing, and he is as concerned about this district and Texas as he has ever been. 

Seeking God’s will to set priorities

For those of you unaware, Matt’s father has been very ill for a long time. His precious wife has also had significant health challenges.  They have two precious young children.

Matt was able to keep his wits about him during the 88th session, carrying a tremendous burden that would have broken men and women of a weaker faith. Matt KNOWS Jesus and his heart follows hard after his Lord.

I am confident that Matt sought God’s will about his future, came to a peaceful conclusion, and has acted on that direction and awaits further directions. 

Matt Schaefer was disappointed in many things this session, but his spirit was not crushed.  He’s a man who strives to stay tuned into what the Lord is saying to him.  Schaefer knows that it is foolish to esteem his own plans and ways above those of God.

We should all come to grips with that. Instead of rushing to the phone and social media, go to the King’s Throne.  Spend some time there.  It will refresh your troubled soul.

Finding the Next HD 6 Representative

Since Texas House District 6 is my HOME district, I do not take the quest to find Rep. Schaefer’s successor lightly, but neither am I wringing my hands and staying awake at night.

This seat has been held by conservatives since 1998 when Sharon Emmert and I ran the late, great patriot Leo Berman’s uphill race to successfully defeat a 12-year incumbent with a better than 80% name ID. 

We defeated big money, and we defeated sitting Texas Gov. George W. Bush who came to Tyler to campaign for the incumbent.  We did that with God’s help and a lot of hard work.  It was a David and Goliath race if there ever was one! Representative Berman was succeeded by Matt Schaefer in 2013.

The sky has NOT fallen.

As we have done for 15 years, Grassroots America and I will exert due diligence in our candidate vetting process for Rep. Matt Schaefer’s House replacement. As we go about our due diligence, we will pray for God’s direction.  We want to know God’s will above all else. 

People who do not live in this district are perfectly welcome to do whatever they think they must to pre-judge and dissect any and all candidates in this race. Go right on ahead.

As for Grassroots America, we will make every effort to gather all of the FACTS. Wisdom dictates that we follow the warning in Proverbs 18:13, “He who answers before he hears [the facts], it is folly and shame to him.”

A calm spirit relies on God – not the whims, schemes and divinations of man.

Having a personal code of always going the extra mile – and then some – produces temperance, focus, self-control, diligence, and the mental strength to overcome the predictable plagues and tyrannies of:

  • discord profiteers
  • unbridled hysteria
  • randomness
  • rumormongers, and
  • impulsive decision-making.

Submission to these forms of distraction does not ensure wise decision-making.

Seeking Godly wisdom is acting wisely!

Diligence is a determined combination of hard work, patience, and perseverance.

Wisdom – not hysteria – blesses diligence.

I pray you think about this in the context of all candidates for every office and mind how you go,

Action | Tell Dade Phelan to Resign

Action | Tell Dade Phelan to Resign

Texas House Republican leadership is a disgraceful mess.

It has all the honor, dignity, and decorum of a junior high cafeteria or a frat house.

The liquor bar just off the House floor needs to go.

Public intoxication and substance abuse on the House floor is unacceptable.

Debauchery and open corruption should not be winked at or tolerated.

Texas House Republicans should have a higher standard.

They can change House rules, but they have to WANT to clean it up!

Demand a higher standard from your State Representative as they launch their 2024 campaigns. When your incumbent shows up for an event, ask them what they specifically intend to do to stop the low standards in the Texas House. March 2024 Primary challengers should make this a campaign issue.

In the meantime, let’s roll on this
 Call to Action:
Dade Phelan Resign!

The following project is the initiative of Mark Montgomery and the Bulverde Spring Branch Conservative Republican PAC. We also thank SREC SD 25 Chris Byrd for his assistance.

Grassroots America is happy to assist them in getting this project out across Texas because we appreciate their initiative and agree with their reasoning.
In fact, we agree so much that our Board of Directors unanimously cast a vote of “No Confidence” in Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.
Welcome to Preserving & Advancing Patriot Conservatism!

A majority of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee voted 14-6 to censure Dade Phelan on July 13. Orange County is the largest county in Phelan’s district.

Are you tired of Dade blatantly disregarding the platform of the Republican Party of Texas, ignoring most conservative legislative priorities, and the will of the voters? Tired of him allowing the Democrats to run the Texas House? Tired of him killing good bills with Dem committee chairs and Dem points of order? Do you approve of his “under the influence” performance from the Speaker dais or his approved banana republic-style process for impeachment of Paxton?

If you are “fed up,” make your voice heard by joining this letter campaign “Resign Dade Phelan!” Thousands of grassroots conservatives – Republican Primary voters – should tell him they are fed up with his embarrassing performance and roadblocking of conservative bills.

The letters will be hand delivered to Dade Phelan. Copies of the Phelan letter will be provided to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s office and to each State Representative to inform them of our grievances and our actions. 

Join this statewide letter campaign
AND the Republican Party of Texas
in condemning the actions of Speaker Phelan!

Texas deserves better than Dade Phelan.


1.  Click the link below to print the letter that will be hand delivered to Phelan.
2.  Fill in ALL blanks at the bottom. Incomplete letters will not be used.
3.  Sign only in BLUE ink. Signatures in other colors disqualify the letter. 
4.  Make this a project! Print letters and collect signatures in blue ink!
5.  Mail your completed letters to the address below by Friday, August 11!

Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206
Austin, Texas 78768-2206

Scan your completed letter and email to;


Take a CLEAR picture of your completed letter; text it to 866-989-3089.

Help this effort by sharing these instructions with friends and family,
but use only the special forward button at the top right beneath our logo.

Click on the box below for the letter to download and print.

The Bulverde Spring Branch Conservative Republicans
ask that you do not alter the body of the letter in any way.

Link to letter

Got questions or comments?
Contact Mark Montgomery