Warning Voter Data Errors Found

Warning Voter Data Errors Found

Warning! What you are about to see is disturbing.

Grassroots America is providing total transparency –
documenting a very real, serious problem with actual early voting data.

Inaccurate voter data must be corrected NOW – and prevented –
before any “official” results of the 2024 Primary Election are published.

Our Executive Director has been alerting elected officials for the last few days and spoke with a Deputy Attorney General today.
It’s time you know about it, see it for yourself, and demand answers.

FACT:  The Texas Secretary of State’s “official” early voting results lack integrity controls.

This is not a statistical anomaly,
but specific, auditable examples of duplicate early voter records.

Grassroots America’s data analysts* have discovered:

  • Several thousand duplicate votes recorded for the same VUIDs (VUID = Voter Unique Identifier) over six days!
  • Duplicate voters recorded for the same VUID on DIFFERENT days!
  • Duplicate voter records for the same VUID voting in person AND by mail!

These duplicates are included in the Secretary of State’s Official Election Results.

This is absolutely provable.  
It is NOT acceptable.  
It must be corrected now.
It cannot wait until after early voting closes!

There may well be some erroneous data coming from the counties.  But the real problem lies at the Secretary of State’s Office – the agency charged with enforcing election integrity laws and the repository of “official” election results.  They obviously do not have the most rudimentary controls in their intake, data validation, and batch control processes, or these duplicates could not be recorded.

FACT: Grassroots America’s data team has discovered that there are duplicates in the cumulative voter totals at the Secretary of State website.  Now, we’ll show you how you can replicate the problem yourself – see below:

The following counties show duplicates:

Potter, Hale, Medina, Bandera, Wichita, Brazoria, Dickens, Camp, Fort Bend, Young, Delta, Zavala, Culberson, Wheeler, Comal, and Jack counties.  There may be more in the days ahead.

This demands an investigation by the Attorney General,
 the Secretary of State, and county officials.

Appropriate safeguards and integrity measures must be in place to prevent this! Prevention of recording duplicate votes is a reasonable expectation and a BASIC standard! 

Contact your State Republican Executive Committee representatives and request the Republican Party of Texas take action. Find contact form at the bottom of this linked site.

 Call Secretary of State Jane Nelson. Let her know you are aware of a problem that needs her immediate attention!
(512) 463-5770

 Contact SoS Nelson’s Director of the Elections Division, Christina Adkins (512) 463-9859 | Email: CAdkins@sos.texas.gov

 Contact your State Representative and State Senator. Find contact information here.

See the proof for yourself! Replicate the report and view the SOS duplicates with these steps:

STEP 1:  Go to: https://earlyvoting.texas-election.com/Elections/getElectionEVDates.do

STEP 2:  Select the March 5th Republican Primary.

STEP 3:  Then select February 23rd and click Submit.

STEP 4:  You will get the following report.  Scroll down to CAMP county and use Click Here to download the CSV file.

STEP 5:  Open the CSV in Excel, you can see the duplicates (just as we found below).

Want to see all duplicates, which counties have duplicates on which days? Go to:

Note: For the tech folks: This four-minute VIDEO documents the actual steps our data team followed to validate the duplicate voter record problem.   You can also view the actual .CSV files downloaded from the SOS site in a zip file HERE

*Two of our leading data analysts:
Brett Rogers | 30 years in the IT business and over twenty years with enterprise database tools; worked for Fortune 100 companies and dozens of small and mid-size clients.  brett@rightrally.com

Tom Fabry | Led the design, construction, and operation of a global network of six engineering and research & development labs across four continents for Hewlitt-Packard (HP) and their global clients, a position he held until retiring. tcfabry@yahoo.com

Warning Voter Data Errors Found

After the 2024 Primary, Will Our Legislators Try to Hide Their Actions from You?

After the 2024 Primary,

Will Our Legislators Try to

Hide Their Actions from You?

By Brett Rogers | Feb. 28, 2024 

What government – any level of government – does in secret, it does without the consent of the governed.

If ours is truly a government of “We the People,” then transparency is prerequisite. Transparency holds those who commit bad actions accountable. Publication of the actions of government officials provides essential transparency.  Transparency  safeguards citizens, thereby undergirding enduring liberty.

In this past year, Grassroots America We the People created something unique – a legislative transparency tool that connected dots, and summarized for understanding, the network of actions of the actors from within our Texas legislature. The website highlighted the good and the bad, and made all of this available for free to the people of Texas. We call this website Grassroots Priorities (grassrootspriorities.com).

What we learned is that an overwhelming amount of information available at Texas Legislature Online (TLO) makes it easier for our government to act in secret. For example, very few people knew what a “Statement of Vote” was prior to the development of Grassroots Priorities. Now, during the 2024 Primary Election cycle, this legislative addendum to record votes on the floor of the House is a central topic in some races.

By making such information transparent to the public, it’s almost certain that legislators will curb future use of a “Statement of Vote,” which allows a legislator to state in the House journal that his/her vote “yes” really should have been a vote “no” – or vice versa. 

The people also learned that this action by a legislator changed nothing. A vote miscast is forever an error. What’s cast is cast.

Our legislators should be careful about their votes. It’s a major part of what they are hired at the ballot box to do on our behalf. And whether miscast or not, they should be judged on their actual voting record.  Why? Because their actions have long-term consequences for the people of Texas and future generations. 

Many other aspects of the legislature’s activity were exposed, and our legislators were then called to answer for their actions. This is good and necessary – and most importantly – it must continue. And if anything is to change, it must be made easier to obtain this public data, not more difficult. 

Having taken “heat” from their constituents, legislators might be tempted to make the transparency we achieved harder to achieve in the future. Political actions taken in darkness endanger every Texan. 

Grassroots America – We the People believes the 2024 Texas Republican Party Platform should include a plank that calls for this public legislative data (bills, actions, testimonies, committee actions, journal activities, record votes in both chambers, fiscal notes, etc.) to simply be available as files for download for any citizen to obtain. Anything less must be unacceptable.

We’ve heard from many other states that they would love a tool such as we now have in Texas. The citizens of those states should push for such data to be available for summary and analysis.

And yes, the same should be true at the federal level.

Any legislator who wants to curb our access to the records of our government should be reprimanded and hopefully removed in a robust primary.

We’ve made every effort to ensure that the massive amount of information we made available through Grassroots Priorities was accurate and lined up with the information found with the public record at Texas Legislature Online (TLO). Much of what we produced, links or points directly back to the TLO itself, so that people would not have to just take our word for it.  Grassroots America WANTS the people to see the facts and reach conclusions for themselves.  Why? Because this builds a strong, independent, informed citizenry – the essential ingredient for enduring liberty!

We strongly believe that if data is made available to the public, then those who summarize and analyze the data should also be held accountable – just as any news organization. This is why we have an FAQ section on our Grassroots Priorities website, which explains any changes we make on the website. If any corrections need to be made, we’ll always post those.

Truth. We are all better off when we have the truth made known to us. No one can make good decisions without good and accurate information.

From those elected to “govern,” we must insist upon a renewed respect for and commitment to this First Founding Principle of Liberty – Consent of the Governed.  

In order to give or withhold informed consent, We the People must have access to the data needed to fully review both the planned and completed actions of those elected to act on our behalf – because only that can be called “good” government.    

                                                                                                        BR 2024

Hot Update: Protect Kids | Tyler Library Smut

Hot Update: Protect Kids | Tyler Library Smut

Thank you to all the volunteers who attended the October 18th library board meeting – the last one of this year!  There were about 50 people in attendance and as usual we were the overwhelming majority.

Sadly, we now know the library board has gone from bad to worse. They unanimously made the horrible decision to KEEP the book called “People Kill People” in the 14+ section. In case you’ve forgotten, here is the link to excerpts from it  Dirty Book #5 People Kill People.

Anyone who would like to send a professionally-worded email to the city manager about this book is welcome to do so by emailing Ed Broussard at ebroussard@tylertexas.com.

The next board meeting will likely be in mid- to late-January.  We will keep up the pressure by submitting book reconsiderations until we get more results.   Stay tuned for more information.

THANKS SO MUCH for your ‘Never Say Die’ persistence!

Citizens Speak Out in Letters to the Editor

If you are a subscriber to the Tyler Morning Telegraph, you should have noticed articles and letters to the editor about the Tyler Library controversy. Informed citizens sent in great letters that countered misinformation about “book banning,” which is an intellectually lazy buzzword coined by the Left and used by officials who should know better.  Moving books OUT of a section of the library used by minor-aged children is NOT book banning!

How many times must we repeat this fact:  Under the law, children cannot give consent to sexual activity! Sexual activity with a minor-aged child is rape.   It therefore follows that minor children cannot give consent to having their minds and emotions raped by sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar books. What about this concept is too hard for Tyler City officials to grasp?

Inspired? Send your own letter

(limited to 250 words) to the editor:

santana@mrobertsmedia.com and to


 We have compiled and posted resources for you!

So far, our elected officials have managed to evade direct contact with actual constituents – the voters and taxpayers who have every interest and right to speak out about library standards.  This is especially true when it comes to sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar books that are accessible to minor children.

We are hearing from Tyler residents that city council members are turning down the opportunity to attend coffees and meetings in neighborhoods if the subject matter is going to be “the library.”  We find that appalling.  Don’t you?

Isn’t it interesting how friendly these people are when they are campaigning and looking for endorsements?  EVASION is NOT a good look for an elected official!

The mayor and council members have refused to even put this topic on a City Council Agenda to discuss!  That means they have NEVER legally discussed the issue; therefore, the matter remains unresolved!

Let’s give them another chance!  Interested in inviting your Mayor and Tyler City Council member to an informal meeting in your district?

Click here to see how to organize your own informal “meet and greet” with your city councilman and/or the mayor.

Click here to see which Tyler City Council district you live in! Learn if your council member is up for re-election!

Click here to read WHY we keep saying that our requests are reasonable. Hint:  Texas law backs us up!

Click here for our library project talking points and objectives! All concerned citizens can use these in letters to the editor, in posts to social media, in conversations with neighbors, family and friends, and at a neighborhood coffee with your city council member and/or the mayor.  Share them!

At the end of this exercise, we will either learn that our elected officials are interested in hearing what we have to say, interested in managing city business lawfully, OR we’ll learn that they are still hiding from their responsibilities and ducking their oath of office!

Let’s have an honest conversation about this!

Your Library Project Team Leaders:

Dee Chambless

Christine Bentley

Tom Fabry

Toni Fabry

Our War Against Porn to Kids | Tyler Public Library

When they won’t listen, we go to war! Follow our local campaign to save kids from public library smut. Learn what to do! 

Can we all agree that our children don’t need access to pornographic and sexually explicit books in our public libraries? 

I’m glad you agree. Then the next question: why do children have access to pornographic and sexually explicit books in the Tyler Public Library? 

That’s right. Shockingly inappropriate, pornographic, and sexually explicit materials are in the teen section of the Tyler Public Library.  

The state of Texas recently deemed these same books unsuitable for minors when, with bipartisan support, they passed the R.E.A.D.E.R Act which prohibits sexually explicit materials from Texas public school libraries. 

For over a year, a growing number of community members have made reasonable appeals to the Tyler Public Library Board to relocate materials that are not subject matter appropriate or age appropriate for children to an area of the library that is not accessible to children.

The effort to move these books has largely been ignored by the Tyler Public Library Board! 

They recently voted 4 to 2 to keep the pervasively vulgar and sexually explicit book All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson.  These Tyler Library Board members are appointed by the Tyler City Council, and while they are not directly accountable to us, the Tyler City Council most surely is!  

We’re stepping it up a notch to make your voices heard. 

The Tyler City Council, including Mayor Warren, have all been sent information about, and excerpts from, some of the most offensive books. They have ignored appeals for a town hall meeting and have never once placed this serious issue on their agenda. 

Since they have ignored appeals for a public discussion of community standards for our public library, we have no choice but to escalate our efforts; therefore, to ensure all members of the Tyler City Council are fully informed of the subject matter being debated, at least one page of excerpts from a single book title recently found in the teen section of the Tyler Public Library will be provided to them over a period of thirty days. We are calling this campaign the Dirty Thirty.

Click here to KNOW the facts by seeing Dirty Book #1.

When our campaign is over, the Tyler City Council will have been made fully aware of the problem and the solution. It will be up to them to act. 

We intend to help the Tyler City Council understand the following facts:  

  • The sexualization of children through pornographic, sexually explicit materials is a form of sexual grooming that leads to mental health issues and puts them at greater risk of sexual exploitation.
  • Book boundaries are not book bans! The regulation of explicit content does not violate the First Amendment. Between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates public airwaves for indecent and profane content in compliance with federal broadcasting laws, in order to protect children.
  • The removal of sexually explicit materials from children’s collections is supported in legal precedence and comports to Supreme Court decisions, including Board of Education vs. Pico (1982).

These books contain blatant pornography, sexual deviancy, and pedophilia that rape the minds and emotions of children and normalize behavior that promotes the utter degradation of our culture, reducing human sexuality to soul-eating animalistic acts. The destruction of childhood innocence with taxpayer-funded, pervasively vulgar materials readily found in our public library must stop. 
The law recognizes that children are developmentally unable to consent to physical sexual activity.  A child cannot consent to mental and emotional rape either!  Parents should and must have the confidence that their children can go to a public library without having their minds raped. Elected officials everywhere should be protecting our most precious resource – children!    
It’s just common sense to preserve community standards that will ensure Tyler is a safe and nurturing place for children to thrive. 

We get the government that we consent to!  Let’s show the Tyler City Council that we, the people of Tyler, Texas, do not consent to a government that sexualizes children. 

Let’s get ready to make a difference in Tyler and across Texas!

Most sincerely,

The Attempted Purge of “America’s Bishop” Bishop Joseph Strickland

The Attempted Purge of “America’s Bishop” Bishop Joseph Strickland

The Attempted Purge of

“America’s Bishop”

Bishop Joseph Strickland

11-12-23 | JoAnn Fleming

The enemy is already here.

Make no mistake.  What just happened to a Bible-believing, Christ-KNOWING Catholic Bishop in the pseudo fairy-tale city of Tyler, Texas, is part of a PURGE – a purge planned and orchestrated by global elites determined to force everybody to accept all manner of chosen deviancy as normal, acceptable, faux god-approved behavior dressed up in “me-ism” – the first doctrine of moral relativism.

The purge’s mission is to rid this world of any who dare speak boldly about the existence of absolutes.

Removal of absolute Truth blesses prideful, pleasure-seeking hedonism.

Hedonism eats the soul, creating hopeless victims who create ever more miserable victims. It’s an evil spawned in Hell and distributed by rebellious evil-doers motivated to win a spiritual battle they can never eternally win.

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, the purge hit very close to home.  We learned that the fiercely brave, yet gentle giant – Tyler’s Tweeting Bishop Joseph Strickland had been fired by the Pope. Why? Strickland refused to recant, apologize, or resign.

Though we prayed it would not be so, this was inevitable – for Joseph Strickland is a man of God who long ago counted the cost of truly following Jesus.  He believes with every fiber of his being and to the uttermost depths of his soul that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, yesterday, today and forever. He can do no less than submissively serve his King and Master – no matter the cost.

Bishop Strickland often said, “All the efforts to change and twist the truth will fall to dust.”  This reality is indelibly engrained in his being.  He cannot shirk from it.  He cannot sit quietly by while others dilute the Cause and Ways of Christ.

What were Joseph Strickland’s “crimes” you might ask?  He dared say aloud that desecrating human life will have consequences. He dared call abortion murder and publicly called for the Church to denounce Biden’s fake Catholicism. In May, Strickland wrote on the X social media platform, “I believe Pope Francis is the Pope, but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus.”  Then, Strickland dared join the June 16 protest at Dodger Stadium, denouncing the mocking, vilely blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – a troupe of drag queens. This is when the Vatican pressure unmistakably escalated against Bishop Strickland.

Bottom line – Joseph Strickland dared to speak out against evil – especially the kind that destroys children. Joseph Strickland’s true north is always Christ, and as he stands against evil, he never fails to point mankind to Christ as the ONLY source of Truth.  Strickland’s unrelenting focus on the Christ of Holy Scripture (not the man-made, “rabbit’s foot” jesus) got him into trouble.

We admire Joseph Strickland and thank God for his courageous devotion to Christ and his visibly courageous active faith. He fears God rather than man.  How refreshing!

Frankly, it is the deepest prayer of our hearts that strong, brave Christian men would rise up to join Joseph Strickland.  Our culture, our local community, Texas, and our nation are crumbling for lack of strong, wise, vocal manly men!

Those who claim Christ are the least Christ-like when they embrace a God-less culture because of sheer cowardice. Silence from Christian pulpits in the face of our nation’s cultural rot is blasphemous to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit they claim to serve.

Condoning sin because it is chic, trendy, popular, and applauded is weakness cloaked in counterfeit love. Stripped down, it is a determined, yet futile prideful rebellion against God’s Ways. The Lord God Almighty will not change His mind about willful sin – any willful, unrepentant sin – no matter how loud the demon-inspired protests to Truth become nor how much society excuses and glorifies that sin.

We are so happy and blessed to know a man who will not recant the Truth established in his heart by His Lord and Savior.  God’s Ways are alive in the heart of Joseph Strickland and the Peace of Christ rests upon him.

No doubt, at the end of his earthly sojourn, Joseph Strickland will hear Christ Jesus warmly say,  “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Those with the spiritual eyes to “see” and the spiritual ears to “hear,” understand all that they are  discerning. They know the hour.

The enemy is already here. 

We are to occupy until King Jesus returns – not pacify.  The purge only works if we are intimidated into silent acceptance.

May you boldly seek the Author and Finisher of the only faith that will stand.