What You Can Do to Stop Election Fraud

What You Can Do to Stop Election Fraud

What You Can Do to Stop Election Fraud by Beth Biesel

    ♦ Sign up to work as Election Judge, Clerk, Poll Watcher – leave no vacancies

    ♦ Canvas your Precincts to purge voter rolls of illegitimate voters

    ♦ Know the Texas Election Code, especially as a Poll Watcher

    ♦ Get extra Poll Watcher training – work in pairs

    ♦ Know and exercise your power as an Election Judge – same as District Court Judge

    ♦ Press hard on local elections: City, County, School Board

    ♦ Make the County Republican Party Chair do their job to protect elections for Republicans!

    ♦ Bring Resolutions to your County Party Executive Meetings for
    -sequentially numbered ballots
    -voiding mail ballots properly
    -printing vote result tapes at Early Voting closing
    -handing over true audit logs
    -new and improved training by County GOPs
    -demand to see lease agreements with Election Management System Vendors
    -no joint initiatives with Democrats

    ♦ Ask your County Elections Department how many computer experts they have on staff – dig deeper to find out just who is running your elections

    ♦ Raise questions about the credibility of the SOS audit/fraudit

    ♦ Pressure Legislature to reinstate Felony charges in SB1

    ♦ Attend SOS hearings on SB1 and submit comments on the rule making process

    ♦ Demand that we get our original wish list –
    • Voter Registration database with restricted input/output access
    • Precinct only voting
    • Paper Ballots, sequentially numbered, hand marked, watermarked
    • Paper Poll Books for voters to sign
    • Basic Optical Scanner/Vote Counter only to tally vote results
    • Printed Vote Result Tapes – EV and ED
    • Limited Early Voting with no gap between EV and Election Day
    • Hand Counts allowed
    • 3rd Party Verification and Audit
    • Unique identifiable seals on ballot boxes
    • Vote Results delivered to Central Count on paper
    • Vote Results tabulated from paper record with calculator
    • Chain of Custody from start to finish
    • Unofficial Results called into SOS and Media
    • Poll Watcher protection: standing to sue, ability to use video surveillance, no oath requirement, no requirement to be trained by SOS
    • Lawsuits can be filed in adjacent counties

    ♦ Ask AG Paxton and Division Chief for Election Integrity, Jonathan White, to prosecute high profile cases. Putting a few folks in jail will be a good deterrent for other potential bad actors. Did you know Jonathan White told the    House Elections committee that he did not need more $$, more staff, or more jurisdiction?

    ♦ Elect candidates you trust

    2021-22 | 87th Texas Legislative Session

    2021-22 | 87th Texas Legislative Session

    Was the 87th Texas Legislature a success or failure for conservative values across this great state? How did Republican members of the Texas House and Senate perform? How do we measure this?

    2020 RPT Legislative Priorities

    The delegates involved in formulating these priorities represent grassroots Republicans from 31 State Senate Districts. The delegates are chosen by Republican grassroots activists at the precinct and county level to ensure it is a bottom-up process designed to make certain that local values are represented.


    These priorities are the measuring stick.

    In a Constitutional Republic…

    In a Constitutional Republic…

    Government is the servant, not the master of the People! 
    Assume the role of master before it’s too late.

     JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Grassroots America – We the People

    Government is the people’s business, and every man, woman and child becomes a shareholder with the first penny of tax paid. With all the profound wording of the Constitution, probably the most meaningful words are the first three, ‘We, the People.’” – Ronald Reagan

    A community, a state, a nation is known for what it tolerates. The independence of a free people is utterly dependent upon the principle “Government is the servant and not the master of the people.”

    Both sides of the servant/master equation are at fault for the mess we find ourselves in today.  

    First, too many elected officials don’t believe they are public servants. They believe they are our all-knowing, enlightened masters and are either ignorant of their statutorily-mandated duty to conduct open government and to hear our redress of grievances against them, or they willfully, wantonly ignore that duty and behave as if they are accountable to no one – least of all the taxpaying rabble.

    Then there’s the amiable, “nice guy/gal” types who just aren’t used to swimming with political sharks, are easily buffaloed by people with law degrees, just want to be loved, enjoy being in the “cool” group, and soon find they are in over their heads. The result? An elitist oligarchy that starts conducting the people’s business in back rooms just because they’ve come to believe they are smarter than the people who pay the freight, and they figure somebody in the justice system will always be there to save their bacon.

    This is how we’ve completely lost sight of the American Revolutionary War principle of Liberty found in our Declaration of Independence.  We have lost “Consent of the Governed” in our local communities, in Texas, and in this nation, leaving government to stomp all over our liberty and pillage our children’s heritage for Big Government Utopias we never asked for.

    The second ingredient in this toxic, public corruption-breeding stew is the fact that most people do not see themselves as the masters. Most people – the intended Masters of Government – fall into at least five discernible categories:

    1) the ignorant, who just don’t know any better;

    2) the afraid, who fear business or social retribution for speaking out against the local ruling class;

    3) the clueless groupies, who treat all elected officials as rock gods and would never, ever dare object to anything they do – especially if the officials are Republican;

    4) the cronies, who love sloppy, stupid government as long as their head can be in the trough and their pocketbooks on the receiving end of special deals; and

    5) the above-it-all detached ostriches who just don’t give a rat’s rear end.

    Under the Austin Pink Dome, special interests abound, unconstitutional retroactive bills to distribute corporate welfare are signed into law, the state pours money into “Welfare for Sports and Big Tech,” and powerful legislators in both parties manipulate the system and profit from it.  Meanwhile, we’re still begging for secure elections, property tax relief, accountability for public schools, and for somebody, somewhere to stop groomers, pedophiles, and pointy headed educrats from corrupting our children with deviant smut.

    In Washington, DC, federal officials shred the US Constitution every day, and leadership for both parties just stand by and let it happen.

    Local government officials tell you that your county, city, school district, fill-in-the-blank special taxing district is as “lean” as it can be with no waste.  They declare they’ve cut your taxes and that taxpayer-funded bonds for noble causes will only cost you pennies, yet your property tax bills keep skyrocketing.

    Tolerating political chicanery and unbridled corruption will get you more of the same, and in bolder, bigger doses.  When will you decide you’ve had enough?

    Grassroots America believes YOU can, and YOU must hold elected officials accountable. Our mission is to empower, educate, and unite those citizens who care about their children, grandchildren, and Liberty; those who do care about Truth; and those who are sick of the mess we find ourselves in.

    If you’re fed up, sign up for our alerts. Attend a meeting. Raise your hand.

    As long as rulers are above the law, citizens have the same type of freedom
    that slaves of any era had on days when their masters chose not to beat them.”
    James Bovard

    Evening Meeting Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | Tyler Area

    Evening Meeting Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | Tyler Area

    US Representative, Nathaniel Moran
    Texas Congressional District 1 

    Attend this Un-Censored town hall-style meeting for a Washington, DC update. Do you have questions about the federal budget showdown? Our US Congressman’s take on taxpayer subsidies for light rail in East Texas? Biden impeachment? Prosecution of Hunter Biden for crimes (that citizens would be in jail for)? Open border imminent threats? Spending on Ukraine? Audience questions will be taken on cards to get as many of your questions answered as time permits.

    Holiday Inn Tyler – Conference Center, 
    5701 S Broadway, Tyler

    Food & Fellowship: 5:30 – 6:25 PM

    $12 Buffet line opens at 5:30 PM for those wishing to dine. This helps offset facility rental fees and supports a locally owned business and jobs.

    Meeting 6:30 – 8:30 PM

    Book signings and special speakers may run until 9:00 PM