Grassroots America - We The People - Unite, Educate, Empower

Beyond the Speaker’s Race

Folks ask what we think about the TX Speaker’s race. We’re focused on solutions, not on somebody’s laser pointer. We aren’t cats!

Open letter to Republican Texas State Representatives,

The people of Texas need you to step up with wisdom, courage, and purpose to solve long-running problems that remain unsolved after more than two decades of effort under Republican trifecta control of state government.

It will take maturity to put personal preferences and hurt feelings aside to reach unity on an issue-by-issue basis. We are all for “party unity,” but unity without principled accountability is like putting water in a bucket riddled with holes.  For the good of Texas, we ask you to work together to plug those accountability holes.

Texans need you to enter the 89th Legislative Session prepared – ready to work with your constituents and the Republicans in the Senate to solve problems – not carry on a spitting contest with the Lt. Governor, but the reverse is also true!  A new Speaker would certainly help mend fences.

FACT: The Texas House needs a new Speaker for reasons… Read More


We’re Excited About Our Turbo-charged Accountability Tool!

Our website has expanded from an activist tool which allows you to quickly and effectively communicate with Texas legislators and statewide officials into a transparency tool that gives you the ability to easily do your own research into the 2023 88th Texas Legislative Session!
We give you (and your organization) the ability to investigate legislation, legislators, committees, funders of legislators, and lobbyist activity.
On each page or tab selected from the top of the menu, you will find a “How to Use” video along with a “Got Questions About This Page?” link in the top right-hand corner.

This citizen empowering accountability tool is something Executive Director and co-founder JoAnn Fleming has long wanted for the conservative grassroots. This is a self-governance tool that can help you verify what legislators and campaign consultants say!
After so many years working alongside many of you, JoAnn is very thankful that we can offer this amazing tool to you at no charge.  Note that it isn’t behind a paywall, and no super-secret access code is required. We’ve made it easy to access and are now making it easy for you to learn how to use it! 
Our prayer is that you will use this transparency tool to 1) discover for yourselves which Republicans are really TransPublicans (party-confused; red jersey elephants who govern like donkey drag queens) and 2) hold your legislators and political consultants accountable. 
Seek, find, share Truth! 

All Grassroots America video content can be viewed on our Rumble and YouTube channels. Please subscribe to our channel on your prefered platform to keep up with our latest releases.

Do you need help getting started using Texas Legislature Online (TLO)? Are you having trouble setting up your own My TLO account to track Bills during the 88th #TXLEGE? Are you just looking for a good overview of the features available to you on TLO?

If you answered YES to any or all three of these questions, check out our 2023 Texas Legislature Online Handbook in an easy to use flipbook format. You can use this resource online, print a hard copy or even print to Pdf.

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JoAnn Answers Questions

JoAnn Answers Questions

Lately, we’ve received many inquiries from other groups about “how to work with JoAnn and Grassroots America.”  It’s really pretty simple: Don’t lie. Don’t steal other people’s stuff. Don’t trash other grassroots conservatives from your social media sandbox.  Since...

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Konni Burton’s Hot Take:

Konni Burton’s Hot Take:

Republicans Need to Lead on Property Taxes, Not Bicker About It. Konni Burton, Founder and CEO, The Texan Everything is bigger in Texas and — as every homeowner knows — that includes our property taxes. Texans have long demanded relief, but this legislative session is...

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Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition

Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition

The Coalition is about conservative, limited government principles – not personalities. It is about supporting the Texas GOP Platform as long as it is a constitutionally conservative platform.

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Election Integrity – Another Coalition Success

I'm excited to share some good news with all of our Grassroots America members and supporters and to say to my colleagues in the Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition, "Well done!" On July 17 as we were about to start the legislature's special session, the...

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