Voter Info

Your Vote Matters

Looking for reliable information on candidates and issues? You’ve come to the right place! We will post the results of our intense vetting of candidates – endorsements, recommendations, and “no action” when all candidates running for a particular office fail to meet our criteria. We will also post relevant sourced information about candidates and races.

Why We Don’t Endorse in Every Race

The Board of Directors of Grassroots America – We the People sets a very high standard for granting endorsements. We do not make endorsements based on popularity, …”

What You Can Do to Stop Election Fraud

What You Can Do to Stop Election Fraud

What You Can Do to Stop Election Fraud by Beth Biesel ♦ Sign up to work as Election Judge, Clerk, Poll Watcher - leave no vacancies ♦ Canvas your Precincts to purge voter rolls of illegitimate voters ♦ Know the Texas Election Code, especially as a Poll Watcher ♦ Get...

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Stop the Hounds of Hell Voter Guide

Stop the Hounds of Hell Voter Guide

Nov. 8th General Election 2022 VOTING Dates & HoursMon. thru Fri., Oct. 31-Nov. 4: 7 AM - 7 PMELECTION DAY | Tues. Nov. 8th | 7 AM - 7 PM Voting Information Any Texas CountyClick here. >Smith County Locations/Sample...

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In His Own Words:

WHY Louie Gohmert is leaving a safe seat in Congress, where he could have been part of a new Republican majority to come home to fight for Texas....

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