The Attempted Purge of “America’s Bishop” Bishop Joseph Strickland

The Attempted Purge of “America’s Bishop” Bishop Joseph Strickland

The Attempted Purge of

“America’s Bishop”

Bishop Joseph Strickland

11-12-23 | JoAnn Fleming

The enemy is already here.

Make no mistake.  What just happened to a Bible-believing, Christ-KNOWING Catholic Bishop in the pseudo fairy-tale city of Tyler, Texas, is part of a PURGE – a purge planned and orchestrated by global elites determined to force everybody to accept all manner of chosen deviancy as normal, acceptable, faux god-approved behavior dressed up in “me-ism” – the first doctrine of moral relativism.

The purge’s mission is to rid this world of any who dare speak boldly about the existence of absolutes.

Removal of absolute Truth blesses prideful, pleasure-seeking hedonism.

Hedonism eats the soul, creating hopeless victims who create ever more miserable victims. It’s an evil spawned in Hell and distributed by rebellious evil-doers motivated to win a spiritual battle they can never eternally win.

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, the purge hit very close to home.  We learned that the fiercely brave, yet gentle giant – Tyler’s Tweeting Bishop Joseph Strickland had been fired by the Pope. Why? Strickland refused to recant, apologize, or resign.

Though we prayed it would not be so, this was inevitable – for Joseph Strickland is a man of God who long ago counted the cost of truly following Jesus.  He believes with every fiber of his being and to the uttermost depths of his soul that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, yesterday, today and forever. He can do no less than submissively serve his King and Master – no matter the cost.

Bishop Strickland often said, “All the efforts to change and twist the truth will fall to dust.”  This reality is indelibly engrained in his being.  He cannot shirk from it.  He cannot sit quietly by while others dilute the Cause and Ways of Christ.

What were Joseph Strickland’s “crimes” you might ask?  He dared say aloud that desecrating human life will have consequences. He dared call abortion murder and publicly called for the Church to denounce Biden’s fake Catholicism. In May, Strickland wrote on the X social media platform, “I believe Pope Francis is the Pope, but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus.”  Then, Strickland dared join the June 16 protest at Dodger Stadium, denouncing the mocking, vilely blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – a troupe of drag queens. This is when the Vatican pressure unmistakably escalated against Bishop Strickland.

Bottom line – Joseph Strickland dared to speak out against evil – especially the kind that destroys children. Joseph Strickland’s true north is always Christ, and as he stands against evil, he never fails to point mankind to Christ as the ONLY source of Truth.  Strickland’s unrelenting focus on the Christ of Holy Scripture (not the man-made, “rabbit’s foot” jesus) got him into trouble.

We admire Joseph Strickland and thank God for his courageous devotion to Christ and his visibly courageous active faith. He fears God rather than man.  How refreshing!

Frankly, it is the deepest prayer of our hearts that strong, brave Christian men would rise up to join Joseph Strickland.  Our culture, our local community, Texas, and our nation are crumbling for lack of strong, wise, vocal manly men!

Those who claim Christ are the least Christ-like when they embrace a God-less culture because of sheer cowardice. Silence from Christian pulpits in the face of our nation’s cultural rot is blasphemous to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit they claim to serve.

Condoning sin because it is chic, trendy, popular, and applauded is weakness cloaked in counterfeit love. Stripped down, it is a determined, yet futile prideful rebellion against God’s Ways. The Lord God Almighty will not change His mind about willful sin – any willful, unrepentant sin – no matter how loud the demon-inspired protests to Truth become nor how much society excuses and glorifies that sin.

We are so happy and blessed to know a man who will not recant the Truth established in his heart by His Lord and Savior.  God’s Ways are alive in the heart of Joseph Strickland and the Peace of Christ rests upon him.

No doubt, at the end of his earthly sojourn, Joseph Strickland will hear Christ Jesus warmly say,  “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Those with the spiritual eyes to “see” and the spiritual ears to “hear,” understand all that they are  discerning. They know the hour.

The enemy is already here. 

We are to occupy until King Jesus returns – not pacify.  The purge only works if we are intimidated into silent acceptance.

May you boldly seek the Author and Finisher of the only faith that will stand.

Just the Beginning – Kid Grooming Porn Must Go | Tyler Public Library

Metropolitan, self-anointed cultural elites preying on children by normalizing smut & pedophilia will not be tolerated. 

In response to many requests, we are sending out our public statement delivered to the Tyler Library Advisory Board on June 1, 2022.

We are shocked and angered by the documented, grossly obscene materials found in the Tyler Public Library.  Only ONE member of the Tyler Library Advisory Board voted to remove the graphically illustrated book depicting lesbian sex. 
There are books in the library that are sexually explicit in nature and accessible to kids under the age of consent. There is nothing ‘alleged’ about the sexually explicit material our team has found in these books. Some city library employees want to pass these off as mere ‘puberty and changing bodies’ information.  That is a lie.
Providing sexually graphic and explicit books to minors would be a criminal offense if an adult provided them to a child outside the library.  We don’t care in the least that the pointy-headed, self-anointed cultural elites in the American Library Association and the Texas Library Association think these books are brilliant and liberating and highly recommend them.  Most decent people see this as dangerous smut designed to groom children.  Next stop will be the elected City Council.  The buck stops with them.   
Most sincerely,

Texas 2023 Constitutional Amendments Voter Guide

Texas 2023 Constitutional Amendments Voter Guide

These Amendments = the Legislature’s “Get out of Jail Free” card. They’re asking you to “bust” their spending limits for them!

Voters, beware! You are being used to grow government! Here’s how:

The Texas Legislature wanted to spend more money than allowed by the Texas Constitution. They were constitutionally constrained from spending all the money by the Tax Spending Limit in the Texas Constitution, which limits spending growth of “state tax revenues not dedicated by this constitution” to no more than the growth of the state economy.

So, instead of doing it themselves, they are asking voters to change the state constitution, using you – the voter – to “bust” the state spending limits with the Constitutional Amendments on the November 7, 2023, ballot. They KNOW turnout for these amendment elections is very low and that most of the amendments pass!

If Texas voters fall for it, their approval gives the Texas Legislature the authority to permanently grow state government. If these amendments pass, it will increase spending by at least $13.8 Billion over the next two years.

How Does This Happen with a Republican-controlled Texas House and Senate?

Conservative spending hawk and subject matter expert on economic, regulatory, energy, and fiscal policy, Bill Peacock explains, “ The limits of the Tax Spending Limit can be exceeded if “approved by a record vote of a majority of the members of each house.” But voting to exceed the spending cap meant Texas politicians would be faced with another constraint – angry Texas voters who might object to their increasing spending by $56.5 billion while only putting $12.7 billion into property tax relief.”

Meanwhile, conservative economist and Texas budget specialist Vance Ginn says that these spending propositions “will grow government with new funds dedicated outside of the spending limit without legitimate roles for government, and prop 4 would narrow the school property tax base by raising the homestead exemption, thereby necessitating higher tax rates – making it more costly for Texans and making it more complicated and longer to eliminate those taxes.”

You can fight back! You can say “NO” to growing state government.

JoAnn Answers Questions

JoAnn Answers Questions

Lately, we’ve received many inquiries from other groups about “how to work with JoAnn and Grassroots America.” 

It’s really pretty simple:

Don’t lie.

Don’t steal other people’s stuff.

Don’t trash other grassroots conservatives from your social media sandbox. 

Since our Executive Director has been back out on the road speaking, we’ve had several requests for “Can you send me that funny thing JoAnn said again?” or “What was that Fleming rule of life again?”

She’s an extemporaneous speaker, so who knows? Here’s JoAnn’s updated Wit & Wisdom for Leading from the Front. 

You don’t have to blow out the other person’s light to let your own shine. Bernard Baruch

JoAnn’s Wit & Wisdom

 for Leading from the Front

updated 9.20.23


The battlefield is the mind. This is where satan (and his instruments) attempt to distract from your calling.  Keep your eyes on The Standard to run your race with wisdom, patience, perseverance, and the ability to ignore naysayers, chronic malcontents, toxic do-nothings, and vocal enemies who will only weigh you down.  Fix your mind. Keep it set.  Do not faint in your mind!  Hebrews 12:1-3

Noise and knowledge are different things. Wisdom speaks the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason.

The definition of “integrity” is the distance between what you say you believe and what you actually do about it.

Real LEADERS don’t care what haters think and say. Real leaders don’t ask permission to do the right thing, nor do they ask forgiveness for doing it.

Political groupies, who treat all elected Red Team members as rock gods and would never, ever dare to object to anything the Red Team does, are mirror images of the WOKE Left and every bit as dangerous to Liberty. Yep, I mean that.

The political gospel of unity demands that we accept, embrace, and reward all manner of infidelity to liberty principles. Thus, Freedom is murdered – not in one fatal blow – but by a thousand disloyal cuts.  

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” Winston Churchill

The people who “pay the freight” in sweat equity and sacrifice, make the rules. 

When folks are just bound and determined to act like the south end of a north bound mule – stand back and let ‘em.

Don’t waste time crying over anything that won’t cry over you.

Don’t trade squirts with a dumb, smelly skunk.  It wastes your time and makes you stink too. 

In negotiations, never play all your best cards at once.

When a decent, principled person is in the wrong – during a confrontation – leave them a back door to get out of and you will win a lasting ally. Humiliation, like a hammer, should never be the first “correction” tool you grab. 

If the mind is willing and the mission righteous, the courageous can go on and on without many things. 

Identify “walking” billboards. Deploy effectively.

Don’t waste time wishing for a better hand. Play the heck out of what you’ve got.

Don’t be duped by propaganda masquerading as “consensus building.” Some people love the idea of “unity” so much that they’ll doubt a calculator if enough “cool” people disagree with it.

Do good work. Without ceasing, nudge others to be better than they ever imagined.

Never simply check a box. Excellence does not live there.

Let your word be your word. Move Heaven and earth to keep promises. Just get it done.

Stop wasting time waiting for “fairness.”  Doing so assures mission fail.

Living for revenge rots your life and makes your days bitter. Know that every injustice will be made finally and completely right in God’s Courtroom, in His time.

People cannot do what they do not know. Set your standards high once you give your people the tools, the training, and consistent direction. Maintain those standards!

If you perpetually play ping-pong with indecisiveness, You. Are. Random. The safest place for you to be is Off. My. Lawn.

If you want help, define the problem in a one-pager by stating the problem; defining its urgency, and presenting a workable solution based on liberty principles, which are rooted in biblical values. If you can’t put what you want in writing, you aren’t ready to ask for help.

A person, a community, a state, a nation is defined by what it tolerates.

Party unity without accountability is like a bucket of water with a hole in it.

Never react in a way that harms your team’s interests. The scariest people are not those who can be baited into losing control, but the ones who cannot. Pick your fight. Fight smart. Fight to win.  

Thank God for every trial. Praise Him in spite of the pain. Trust Him in all things.

Save yourself extra trips around a hard mountain – learn the Lord’s tough lessons by doing things His Way – the first time.

Faith means do it afraid. Behind the seeming randomness of life is a God who is in control even when we are not.

Lasting success is not measured by the number of followers you have on social media, how many likes, shares or reposts. Lasting success comes from the difference you make in the life of a person each and every time you help them see and become what God uniquely created them to be.

Before you start your day and when you end it, make sure you possess the Right Light and The Only Compass.

Mind how you go. Don’t sit on the sidelines.

After Impeachment FACTS  

After Impeachment FACTS  

Not only did TX House GOP leadership break the law during impeachment, but here’s PROOF they’re handing TX to the Donkeys!

Do you know Red Team Professional Cheerleaders
who REFUSE to believe Texas
is turning OR even can turn
from a
RED Conservative state to
Purple Moderate Hades
and finally,
to a
Blue Socialist Texa-fornia?

For anybody who cares to look at the FACTS, we have the proof right here in our latest video and graphic from our Legislative Transparency Tool.

After the shameful, lawbreaking, constitutional rights-trashing Paxton impeachment, it should be as plain as the nose on Dade Phelan’s face that we have a bunch of donkey-drag TransPublicans (party-confused elephants) selling out Texas!

Just watch this and share it.

Here is a list of the 24 Republican State Reps. who disagree more with other Republicans than they disagree with Democrats:
Rep. Allison, Steve (R – HD 121) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Bailes, Ernest (R – HD 18) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Burns, DeWayne (R – HD 58) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Burrows, Dustin (R – HD 83) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Button, Angie (R – HD 112) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Darby, Drew (R – HD 72) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Frazier, Frederick (R – HD 61) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Geren, Charlie (R – HD 99) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Guillen, Ryan (R – HD 31) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Harless, Sam (R – HD 126) Impeachment Vote: N
Rep. Hunter, Todd (R – HD 32) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Jetton, Jacey (R – HD 26) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Kacal, Kyle (R – HD 12) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. King, Ken (R – HD 88) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Kuempel, John (R – HD 44) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lambert, Stan (R – HD 71) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lopez, Janie (R – HD 37) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lozano, J.M. (R – HD 43) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Lujan, John (R – HD 118) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Meyer, Morgan (R – HD 108) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Morrison, Geanie (R – HD 30) Impeachment Vote: N
Rep. Raney, John (R – HD 14) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. Shine, Hugh (R – HD 55) Impeachment Vote: Y
Rep. VanDeaver, Gary (R – HD 1) Impeachment Vote: Y

Truth matters when you stand on it and use it!