Voter Info
Your Vote Matters
Looking for reliable information on candidates and issues? You’ve come to the right place! We will post the results of our intense vetting of candidates – endorsements, recommendations, and “no action” when all candidates running for a particular office fail to meet our criteria. We will also post relevant sourced information about candidates and races.
Why We Don’t Endorse in Every Race
“The Board of Directors of Grassroots America – We the People sets a very high standard for granting endorsements. We do not make endorsements based on popularity, …”
Warning Voter Data Errors Found
Warning! What you are about to see is disturbing. Grassroots America is providing total transparency –documenting a very real, serious problem with actual early voting data. Inaccurate voter data must be corrected NOW – and prevented –before any “official” results of...
Texas 2023 Constitutional Amendments Voter Guide
These Amendments = the Legislature's "Get out of Jail Free" card. They're asking you to "bust" their spending limits for them!Voters, beware! You are being used to grow government! Here’s how: The Texas Legislature wanted to spend more money than allowed by the Texas...
Unanimous, strong endorsement of Judge Sara Maynard
Unanimous, strong endorsement of Judge Sara Maynard Smith County Court at Law 2 March 2024 Republican Primary Election Appointed by the Smith County Commissioners Court to fill the bench vacancy, Sara Maynard has been serving as Smith County Court at Law 2 Judge since...
Stop the Hounds of Hell Voter Guide
Nov. 8th General Election 2022 VOTING Dates & HoursMon. thru Fri., Oct. 31-Nov. 4: 7 AM - 7 PMELECTION DAY | Tues. Nov. 8th | 7 AM - 7 PM Voting...
Scary Tax-hiking Bonds on Your Ballot
Passed bonds = debt issued to finance local gov't building projects. Taxpayers will repay the borrowed money plus interest. What does the...
Candidate Forum & Interviews Videos | 2022 TX GOP Vice-Chair Race
Grassroots America was asked by several leaders in our statewide Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition if we would conduct job interviews with the...
Proposed Resolutions for 2022 RPT Platform
Dear Texas Conservatives: Your last chance to vote was today, but your work is not done. Stop the effort to purge grassroots conservatives from the...
March 1, 2022 Republican Primary | Endorsements Updated
Thanks for asking, but we just cannot possibly interview all Republican candidates appearing on ballots in all 254 counties. We are swamped with...