2024 Precinct Convention Resolutions from Coalition Partners

This is a site for Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition leaders to offer resolutions for consideration by others. If you do not like a resolution, don’t use it! You are free to take an example resolution and rewrite it to suit yourself.

  • I will NOT pass judgement on the resolutions as long as they do NOT violate the 2022 RPT Platform Preamble principles and values! See here.
  • I will not referee a debate among any parties. You do not need me for that!
  • I will not correct misspellings and grammatical errors pointed out by others. I am not the Texas English Professor. You are all adults.

Do not send any resolutions that seek to legitimize illegal border crossers, gambling, marijuana, or hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Do not send resolutions that undermine the sanctity of human life or God’s definition of marriage and the family.

If you want to push anything that directly opposes the values expressed in God’s Word or the Republican Party of Texas Preamble and Principles, you will need to do that elsewhere.  You are free to “go for it” anywhere else – just not here.

Jennifer Lundy | Texans for Judicial Accountability Resolution

Court Reform Resolution

Texas Gun Owners of America Resolutions

Available on their website here

Cindy Asmussen Resolution

RPT Resolution for NO Gambling in Texas

Brett Rogers Resolution

Transparency Resolution 2024 RPT

2023 Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Handbook

2023 Texas Legislature Online (TLO) Handbook

Do you need help getting started using Texas Legislature Online (TLO)? Are you having trouble setting up your own My TLO account to track Bills during the 88th #TXLEGE? Are you just looking for a good overview of the features available to you on TLO?

If you answered YES to any or all three of these questions, check out our 2023 Texas Legislature Online Handbook in an easy to use flipbook format. You can use this resource online, print a hard copy or even print to Pdf.

Saturday, May 6th Election Day | Vote Out Smut, WOKE & Waste

Saturday, May 6th Election Day | Vote Out Smut, WOKE & Waste

Texas Uniform and Municipal Election! Election Day is this Saturday, May 6th. 

First Last Race County
Pete Lauzon Clear Creek ISD Harris/Galveston
Courtney Anderson Spring Branch ISD Harris
Shannon Mahan Spring Branch ISD Harris
Amy Thieme Katy ISD Harris/Fort Bend/Waller
Morgan Calhoun Katy ISD Harris/Fort Bend/Waller
Mary Ellen Cuzela Katy ISD Harris/Fort Bend/Waller
Mike Fletcher Corsicana Mayor Navarro
Reed Bond Frisco ISD Collin/Denton
Cody Weaver Plano ISD Collin
Jay Saad Collin College Collin/Rockwall/Denton
Samath Buford Ferris ISD Ellis/Dallas
Ed Harrison Midlothian ISD Ellis
Cole Stanley Amarillo Mayor Potter/Randall
Tom Scherlen Amarillo City Council Potter/Randall
Kenny Fernandez Pasadena ISD Harris
Vickie Morgan Pasadena ISD Harris
Marshall Kendrick Pasadena ISD Harris
Audra Deaver Humble ISD Harris/Montgomery
Bill Foster Red Oak ISD Ellis
Jason Southerland Waxahachie ISD Ellis
Michael Grabowski Humble ISD Harris/Montgomery
Doug Dowd Weatherford College Trustee Parker
Deborah Blackall Peaster ISD Parker
Toby Taylor Weatherford ISD Parker
Zach Smith Weatherford City Council Parker

Endorsements/recommendations sent from people we trust:
Denton County Conservative Coalition endorsement list, click here.
Patriot Mobile Action to view endorsements, click here.
Collin Strong (Collin County) endorsements, click here.
Star Patriots PAC (no link available)

Star Patriots Endorsements:
Frisco ISD Place 4: Reed Bond | Frisco ISD Place 5: Susan Kershaw
Frisco Mayor: Mark Piland
Plano City Council Place 5: Shelby Williams

Star Patriots Recommendations:
Little Elm ISD Place 1: Jeff Burton | Place 3: Ken Beber
Prosper ISD Place 2: Aimee Boots | Place 5: Jim Herblin
Denton ISD Place 6: Terry Senne | Denton ISD Place 7: Carolyn Rachaner
Plano City Council Place 3: Colleen Aguilar-Epstein
Plano ISD: Place 4: Lydia Ortega | Place 5: Greg Jubenville | Place 7: Cody Weaver
Lewisville ISD Place 6: Mindy Bumgarner | Place 7: Ashley Jones
Flower Mound City Council: Brad Ruthrauff
McKinney ISD: Place 4: Brittany Hendrickson | Place: 5: Rachel Elliott

Joshua ISD (Johnson County) candidates for Place 1 Georgia Wright Head and for Place 2 Angela Tolliver are endorsed by JoAnn Fleming, Grassroots America.

San Antonio Family Association’s PAC endorsements for San Antonio/Bexar County, click here.

Brazoria County Republican Party candidate information, click here.

Grassroots America Information for Smith County ballot, click here.

More candidate information available at IVoterGuide, click here.

Don’t know about your local elections?

Find your county’s website, by clicking here and then scrolling down to the middle of that page to find County Sources. Click on your county to find your county’s posted election information for sample ballots, early voting/Election Day dates, times and locations.

What’s on the ballot?

Look for bond elections on your ballot! ALL bond elections raise taxes (no matter what the spin masters say) because bonds add more public debt, which is paid by taxpayers (not by Santa Clause or the tooth fairy).  When public debt is added, tax burdens are increased. If you are over 65 and your property tax on your homestead is frozen (not every taxing entity offers this), and a bond election passes, you still get a tax increase.  How?  The debt portion of your tax rate NEVER goes down!  As more debt is added, your annual taxes might stay about the same on your home, but they certainly will not go down as they would if the old debt was paid off and no new debt was added.

Look for school board trustee races (some school districts wait to hold school board elections in November). There are also races for city mayors, city council members, community college boards and special water district representatives.

So, what’s the big deal about these elections? They’re just local and I only care about what Washington DC does to us.

Glad you asked! The local officials you hire at the ballot box:

  • pass Washington DC garbage down to the local level through the federal grant programs they love because this “free money” has federal strings;
  • are responsible for the property tax bills you say are too high;
  • can saddle you with more public debt through bond elections, increasing property taxes;
  • spend your local property & sales tax dollars – either wisely or foolishly;
  • set the tone for the culture of your community with sound, principled values or with WOKE, liberal, socialist values that harm children, grow government, and shred liberty. Local officials CAN stop smut in schools and public libraries and can stop drag queen perversions acted out in front of children. Yes, they can, but will they?

How Do I Know if Candidates are Republican or Democrat?

By law, city, school board, community college, and special purpose district races are non-partisan on the ballot; therefore, there will be no party designation listed there; however, you can find out which party primary they vote in, if they vote at all, or if they are only general election voters (which means there’s no way to tell what they are).

Has your County Republican Executive Committee posted candidates’ historical voting record information (public record) so that voters can at least determine if they are voting for a Republican, a Democrat, a swing voter (general election only) or a non-voter?  If they have not, you might ask why not.  Do you want to elect candidates who don’t vote at all or who vote for Democrats to be in charge of your schools and your tax bills?  If your local GOP is all for the RED TEAM in November, then why aren’t they informing voters about the voting records of local candidates?

Click here to find your county’s Republican Party Chairman to see if he/she published the voting history of the candidates for the May 6 elections in your county!

Click here for a GREAT example of what County Republicans can (and really should) do to help voters choose wisely in local elections!  Bravo Brazoria County Republicans! This is how you keep socialists and cultural Marxists from taking over local government – just simply provide voters with facts about how these candidates vote (or not)!

Grassroots America’s team ran a check on the voting history of candidates appearing on the Smith County ballot because it is our home base county.  Click here for Smith County election information.

Do your homework! Your vote might prevent a Leftist from gaining office!

For liberty in every Texas community,

JoAnn Fleming
Executive Director
Grassroots America – We the People PAC

Konni Burton’s Hot Take:

Konni Burton’s Hot Take:

Republicans Need to Lead on Property Taxes, Not Bicker About It.

Konni Burton, Founder and CEO, The Texan

Everything is bigger in Texas and — as every homeowner knows — that includes our property taxes.

Texans have long demanded relief, but this legislative session is already nearing its end and we still have no idea if the Republican controlled Senate and House will come to an agreement on the type of appraisal reform offered — if any.

Unfortunately, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Speaker Dade Phelan are publicly feuding over the path forward to reforming taxes and appraisals, while Gov. Greg Abbott has talked up a good game but offered no actual game plan.

Patrick claims the public is on his side by pointing to a poll released this past week by the Texas Association of Property Tax Professionals. But upon closer look, the poll actually shows Texans would welcome either chamber’s appraisal reform plan.

During my time in the Senate, I saw this same kind of feuding between Lt. Gov. Patrick and then Speaker Joe Straus. It’s a ridiculous game of cat and mouse between the House and Senate to see who will blink first over each chamber’s priority legislation. And this “competition” festers and rears its ugly head among the state reps and senators too. There’s retribution, stalling, and childish antics between the two chambers when each doesn’t get their way.

I hated it then, and I hate it now.

So it comes as no surprise that they’re at it again. What is so frustrating to me is, this isn’t the typical Republican vs. Democrat major policy disagreements that we’d all expect, but rather Republicans fighting each other on an issue that they should gladly be working together on to solve!

Republican leadership and Republican elected officials need to set aside personal egos and show voters they are united and working together to solve this pressing issue for their fellow Texans.

Republicans have all three branches in Texas government and have had for at least 20 years now. But if Patrick and Phelan want to keep the political map from looking as blue as the weather map in February 2021, then they need to stop this public squabbling and show voters Republicans can work together, not act like quarreling children.

It is time they get in a room, talk face to face, and come to an agreement on relieving the crushing weight of property taxes. And frankly, if they don’t initiate it on their own, Gov. Abbott needs to step in and make it happen.

There is good news. They both actually already agree on a major component of the property tax plan. The bad news is that both men seem hell bent on digging in their heels over one aspect of it — with the possibility of derailing it all.

From the Battle of the Alamo to the discovery of oil at Spindletop, Texans have a proud history of tackling tough problems head-on. The property tax problem is no different and Republicans need to show us they are united.

We have a massive budget surplus. We have a bureaucracy with more state boards and commissions than the number of counties in Texas.

It shouldn’t be that hard for Republicans to unite on reining in our bloated government and take the burden off of everyday Texans. And when they do that, they’ll secure the Republican majority for years to come.

Our 2020 General Election Audit Report

Our 2020 General Election Audit Report

Ever wonder what a real election audit would reveal?

We did, so our local government watchdog committee got to work to organize and execute a thorough audit of the 2020 Smith County General Election.

“To summarize, there were serious problems with records management and chain of custody controls on virtually every aspect of the 2020 General Election processes:  provisional ballots, military/overseas ballots, limited ballots.  Logs were missing, yielding incomplete and inaccurate records management.  The record boxes were an embarrassment.  Smith County’s slogan is ‘Striving for Excellence.’  This was NOT excellent!

“The team focused on Absentee voters because there were paper records to audit.  The same problems existed with In-Person voters, but the machine records were not available or auditable.  Who knows the magnitude of those problems?” JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director

Read Mrs. Fleming’s entire statement to the Smith County Commissioners Court.

Election Audit Chair, Tom Fabry’s Audit Summary.

View the Public Forum Presentation Materials that were presented at the GAWTP meeting on February 13, 2023.

Watch the Channel 7 KLTV News story on the audit.

The next phase of this project will include the creation of an exportable Audit Template that can be used in any Texas county to conduct a similar audit.

If you are interested in working with our team as a Beta tester in your county please contact Tom Fabry at tcfabry@yahoo.com. Serious inquires only please – as this is a time and labor intensive process!