These letters serve to keep officials accountable to ‘We the People’, those who elected them to their office. Please note that many are here for archive purposes to let you know how we are working for you.
- 182 Grassroots Leaders Lay Out the Case: Plea for Governor Abbott to Call a June 2024 Special Legislative Session to Secure Our November 2024 General Election
- Dear Governor Abbott: We, the undersigned, urgently join with Republican Party of Texas Convention delegates from all 31 State Senate Districts – representing Republicans from across Texas – who passed the following Resolution 7, for ELECTION INTEGRITY ENFORCEMENT and ENSURING THAT ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE NOT VOTING…” – June 13, 2024
- Coalition Letter to US House and Senate Members regarding Biden’s Automobile Kill-Switches
Dear US Senators and House Members: We are writing to you as constituents and as American citizens, whose rights are to be protected by the United States Constitution and your ...” – September 25, 2023
- Coalition Letter to Gov. Abbott: 5 Urgent Topics for Immediate Special Session Call
- “193 Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition Leaders Say, “Protect Texans!” Call for Gov. Abbott’s Immediate Addition of Urgent Topics to 2023 Special Sessions...” – August 24, 2023
- American Principles Project | Letter to Governor Abbott
- “As the war for the hearts and minds of Texans’ children and grandchildren rages, our lawmakers have primarily balked at entering the fray. The very future of our families hangs in the balance...” – January 19, 2022
- Coalition Seeks Clarification & Retraction of Vaccine Mandate Tweet from Senator Cruz
- “Grayson County Conservatives, along with Wise County Conservatives, & many other grassroots organizations in the Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition are seeking an immediate clarification and a retraction of recent social media correspondence, which implies your support for discrimination against unvaccinated Americans. ...” – August 5, 2021
- 251 Conservative Political Influencers Call for Urgent Priorities to be Set for 87th Legislative Special Session(s)
- “When it comes to getting their priorities passed in the Texas Legislature, the people of Texas deserve better! ...” – July 8, 2021
- Coalition & GOA-Texas push for Constitutional Carry
- “Law-abiding Texans should not have to beg the government for permission and pay a fee to exercise their God-given right to self-defense...” – April 14, 2021
- Coalition wants Abbott State Legislature to pass “citizen friendly” toll road reforms to help working families
- “Stop criminal penalties for unpaid tolls remove tolls once road is paid for! ...” – March 8, 2021
- Texas Liberty in Flames?
- “Conservative grassroots leaders agree with RPT Chairman Allen West. Texans do not need, do not want, and did not vote for another Democrat-lite “purple” session! ...” – November 24, 2020
- The Alamo Cenotaph: Saving the War Memorial honoring its dead
- “Citizens oppose the permit to remove the Alamo Cenotaph from the battlefield, which will separate it from the Alamo and move it to a place where it can easily be vandalized and destroyed by the Leftist mob.” – September 17, 2020
- Texas Grassroots Political Opinion Leaders Rise Up!
- “Don Dyer, a conservative donor and businessman, announced on Facebook the Lone Star Agenda – Save Texas 2020 plan. Don presented the plan to the Texas Conservative Grassroots...” – July 22, 2020
- Tax relief is needed NOW – Letter to Governor Abbott
- “Tax relief is needed NOW to alleviate the burdens on families, empower entrepreneurs, and enable employers to further engineer the economic recovery Texans need, want, and deserve.” – May 18, 2020
- Save Texas: Let Texans Work – Letter to Governor Abbott
- “We agree with President Trump. It’s time for a plan to get America back to work. Texas should be leading the way. Texas has been the leading economic engine for the United States, but Texas…” – April 17, 2020
- Political Influencers Strongly Support Non-toll Plan for I-35
- “Today, Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition leaders are praising Governor Greg Abbott and his Texas Transportation Commission’s vote to fund the first critical segment of the Interstate-35 expansion through downtown Austin without tolls…” – March 23, 2020
- Log Cabin Republican Recognition & Affiliation with the RPT
- “The LGBT agenda is currently intentionally being advanced in our Republican Party through the Log Cabin Republicans.” – January 30, 2020
- Texas Conservative Groups Ask Governor Abbott to Call for Special Session
- “Twelve political organizations representing thousands of active voters in Texas today delivered a letter to Governor Greg Abbott requesting that he call a special legislative session to unite Texas…” – September 12, 2019
- Coalition United in Strong Opposition to SB 11, HB 18, HB 19 Ask Abbott to Veto
- “Coalition United in Strong Opposition to SB 11, HB 18, HB 19 say, “Governor Abbott, veto these bills!” 153 opinion leaders, representing 130 unique organizations, groups, and districts across Texas stood against invasive, parental rights-destroying, due process-threatening, mental health bills. They are still fighting!…” – May 31, 2019
- Coalition Letter to Governor Abbott – Permanent Property Tax Relief
- “On Friday, a Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition letter was delivered to Governor Abbott. It was signed by 195 grassroots political leaders…” – April 12, 2019
- Grassroots America Leads Coalition Efforts in Austin to Save Alamo, Cenotaph & Other Monuments, Stop More Toll Roads & Road Debt
- “Two of our Coalition projects are being released today. Please read and use to contact your state officials. Chances are, you will NEVER hear about these issues from your local media…” – March 18, 2019
- Coalition Freedom Caucus Letter
- “On December 1, 2018, the Texas House Republican Caucus met and selected Representative Dennis Bonnen as the presumptive Speaker of the House to replace outgoing Speaker Joe Straus. This announcement had folks making noises that the Texas House Freedom Caucus had served its purpose and was no longer..” – December 18, 2018
- Coalition Letter to Gov. Abbott regarding new Secretary of State Appointment
- “We are pleased to report that 136 political opinion leaders signed on in support of our joint project with Direct Action Texas to deliver a strong message to Governor Abbott, calling on him to ensure his appointee to the position of Secretary of State is a proactive leader on election integrity...” – December 19, 2018
- Coalition Project to End Voting by Illegal Aliens
- “Scores of Texas political leaders speak out in unified Coalition voice, release letter asking Governor Abbott for specific action to deter voter fraud in upcoming November 2018 General Election...” – August 16, 2018
- Anti-voter Fraud Coalition Support Paper Ballot Backups
- “Fellow Texans, Recently a TX Conservative Grassroots Coalition letter supporting strong Voter Integrity Plank #59 in the Republican Party Platform was sent out to leaders of the various grassroots groups around Texas. With the 2018 Texas Republican Party Platform set to be...” – June 8, 2018
- Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition Letter to President Trump against new Toll Roads
- “Grassroots Coalition wants Governor to keep his promise, while they go on offense against Trump plan for tolls...” – March 30, 2018
- Coalition of 81 Organization Leaders Declare Stance on Texas House Speaker Selection Process
- “We intend to hold GOP candidates accountable.” Our latest Coalition Project made clear our strong stand on the Texas House Speaker Selection Process....” – November 27, 2017
- TCGC Requests Special Session Call In Support of Constitutional Carry
- “Law-abiding Texans should not have to beg the government for permission and pay a fee to exercise their God-given right to self defense. That is why Constitutional Carry is the most important Second Amendment rights issue to come before the Texas Legislature in over a generation...” – July 24, 2017
- Election Integrity: Adherence to Texas Constitution & Transparency in Sequential Ballot Numbering for DRE Electronic Voting Systems
- “Thank you for prioritizing election integrity in the Texas Attorney General’s Office. With recent news reports about voter fraud and multiple ongoing investigations by your office, it gets clearer every day ....” – July 17, 2017
- TCGC Supports Senator Cruz’s Opposition to the Current Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA)
- “In fact, “concern” does not accurately portray our position on the BCRA. We are quite incensed that this is what Republican Senate leadership has produced after promising the American people to repeal ObamaCare. We are neither fooled nor impressed. ...” – June 30, 2017
- TCGC Letter to Senator Cornyn opposing the rush to pass the Senate Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA)
- “We write to inform you in the strongest possible terms that we oppose any rush to get the Better Care Reconciliation Act to a vote. This cram down is reminiscent of the Democrats’ rush to pass ObamaCare. This bill was only made public a week ago, and ...” – June 27, 2017
- TCGC Letter to Gov. Abbott asking that Red Light Camera Legislation be added to Special Session Call
- “Republican Party of Texas Platform Plank #42 calls for a statewide ban on photo traffic enforcement cameras – “Photo Traffic Enforcement Cameras- We oppose photo traffic enforcement cameras in the State of Texas.” Now, Republican and liberty grassroots activists from all over the state are...” – June 27, 2017
- TCGC Opposes New Interstate Bureaucracy Putting Federal DC District Court in Charge: The Interstate Medical Licensing Compact
- “Texas citizens do not need a new agency growing in wealth and power in Washington, DC, that will impact
licensing and medical care. The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, if passed,....” – June 13, 2017
- “Texas citizens do not need a new agency growing in wealth and power in Washington, DC, that will impact
- Success – Texas Conservative Coalition Cheers Governor Abbott’s Special Session Call
- “Today, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced a robust list of nineteen special session items he says should pass in a legislative special session, which will convene on July 18; however, he also stated that the Medical Board Sunset Bill must past the Senate before he issues the official call on the nineteen priorities...” – June 7, 2017
- We’ll Take Your Voice to Governor Abbott
- “Unfinished business, when it comes to getting their priorities passed in the Texas Legislature, the people of Texas deserve better. Because of the Big Government Republicans in House leadership, the 85th legislative session constitutes an epic failure on property tax reform...” – May 31, 2017
- Grassrooots Coalition Demands Policy Action
- “Legislature poised to leave town with unfulfilled policy promises. More than 50 leaders of Texas’ grassroots conservative movement have signed a letter calling on Gov. Greg Abbott and the legislature to deliver on substantive policy reforms before the session concludes on Monday....” – May 26, 2017
- Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition for Election Integrity and Ballot Security
- “It is appalling that neither the Texas Secretary of State nor any election official in any of our 254 counties is mandated by law to verify the driver’s license or Social Security numbers used by individuals when they register to vote!....” – May 25, 2017
- The Privacy Act – Unfinished Business a Coalition Letter
- “After spending the majority of the 85th legislature obstructing and delaying SB 6 – The Privacy Act, Joe & his Rino Brigade decided to pass a worthless and ineffectual amendment here in the last days of the session so that they can claim a great moral victory...” – May 23, 2017
- Another win for the TCGC – HB 45 American Laws for American Courts passes House
- “the House finally passed the ALAC bill and sent it to the Senate. In a coalition letter signed by grassroots leaders from at least 36 independent Texas groups, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and the Senate GOP Caucus are encouraged to move straight to a Motion to Concur with the House version. This move will ensure that the bill’s language cannot be diluted by opponents...” – May 10, 2017
- Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition Supporting a Ban on Sanctuary City Policies
- “As we write this letter, it is 28 days until sine die. We therefore have a strong sense of urgency to get SB 4 to Governor Abbott’s desk. This sense of urgency has escalated since...” – May 3, 2017
- Texas Grassroots Leaders Call for Free Market – Direct Sales
- “As proud Texans, we are writing you today to ask that you join us in championing the free market and supporting true competition in the automobile industry for the benefit of Texans. As it states in the Republican Party of Texas platform...” – March 30, 2017
- Coalition letter to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick – Grid Security
- “It is to the conservative 2016 Texas GOP Platform we point as we bring to your attention an extremely important item missing from your legislative priorities – Securing our Texas Grid....” – February 9, 2017
- Influential Grassroots Coalition Calls on Governor, Lt. Governor & House Speaker to Rein in Spending!
- “Both the 2016-17 and 2018-19 Texas budgets are in danger of exceeding the limits of the Conservative Texas Budget....” – February 2, 2017
- Coalition Stakes Out 10 Priorities for the TX Legislature
- “With a majority-Republican legislature and all-Republican statewide leadership, the success of the 85th Session of the Texas Legislature is dependent on the passage of ALL the following protections for all Texans—born and unborn...” – January 14, 2017
- Texas Grassroots Groups Warn of a Failing Grade | Hold State Leaders Accountable
- “If we are going to save Texas, we can never become political groupies used for campaign photo ops. What we are witnessing in the state capitol is disgraceful. Where ARE the leaders who promised us a new day in Texas?...” – May 21, 2015